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"And he's the boy that would do it, directly. And mind this, McGovery, you've the name of a prudent fellow when you're once married, the less you see of your brother-in-law the better, and stick to your work in Drumsna." "And so I manes. Oh, yer riverence, they won't be making me be wasting my hard arned wages at Mrs. Mulready's.

I only want my freedom when I've 'arned hit the freedom ter leave an 'arth on which I've been left behind, an' go whar my husband an' son are waitin' fur me." She rose and paced the floor, with her face and eyes shining. "Have you no fear of death whatever?" asked Rachel in amazement. "Fear of death! Child, why should I fear death? Why should I fear death, more than the unborn child fears birth?

He nevuh got de yuther fo' dollahs of co'se, 'ca'se he didn't stay in de ole ha'nted house all night, but he 'lowed he'd sho'ly 'arned de one dollah he'd had a'ready." "Why didn't he want to talk to the black cat, Uncle Peter?" "Why didn' he wan' ter talk ter de black cat? Whoever heared er sich a queshtun! He didn' wan' ter talk wid no black cat, 'ca'se he wuz skeered.

They allowed me half, though the constables was for thirds, but the Judge said I'd arned the full half, God knows, ten thousand times wouldn't pay me! and I've got it here, tied up safe. It's your'n, you know, and maybe there a'n't quite enough, but as fur as it goes; and I'll work out the amount o' the rest, from time to time, if you'll let me come onto your place!"

"Now, we will just chop off this arm and free her," Hiram said, "and then we can stretch ourselves out for the night. We have done a tidy day's work, I reckon, and have arned our sleep." The arm was chopped through, and the boat was freed from the tree which had, in the first place, so nearly destroyed it, but which, in the end, had proved their means of safety.

Indeed, he had a brain for everything: he could thatch better nor many that arned their bread by it; could make a slide-car, straddle, or any other rough carpenter work, that it would surprise you to think of it; could work a kish or side creel beautifully; mow as much as any two men, and go down a ridge of corn almost as fast as you could walk; was a great hand at ditching, or draining meadows and bogs; but above all things he was famous for building hay-ricks and corn-stacks; and when Squire Farmer used to enter for the prize at the yearly plowing-match, he was sure to borrow the loan of Larry from whatever master he happened to be working with.

Young as I am, I've lived long enough to l'arn there's two sorts of characters in the world them that is 'arned by deeds, and them that is 'arned by tongues, and so I prefar to see and judge for myself, instead of letting every jaw that chooses to wag become my judgment.

Indeed, he did seem wonderfully pleased with his task, and said, "Ye'll find I've 'arned my dollar when ye git back." The children scarcely slept in their glad anticipation, and were up with the sun. Mr. and Mrs. Jones drove down in their light wagon, while Junior joined our children in another straw-ride, packed in between the lunch-baskets.

Godfrey was frightened at what he had said, but he could not recall it without exciting Dan's suspicions; so he put on a bold face and continued: "Yes, I've got that much, an' I worked hard fur it, too. But a hundred an' fifty dollars! We must have that when it's 'arned, Dannie." "The hul on it?" "Every cent.

"By cracky, it's no go, boys!" Clark gasped. "Our time's up. I feel Injuns. Let's mount and make off for I tell you, scalpin' knives are near." "No, sir! Not a step without those hosses," vowed Simon. "I'll leave not a one. We've 'arned 'em and we'll keep 'em." "All right. Hosses and all, then. Hooray!" Horseback, they started in to round up the loose animals, on the back trail.