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"Come," she said in her pretty, resolute way, "you and I are perfectly human. Let's face this thing together and find out what really is in it." She took one armchair, he the other, and she noticed that all his frame was quivering now his hands always in restless, groping movement, as though with palsy. A moment later the butler came with a decanter, ice, mineral water and a tall glass.

The audience rose in a body and added its cheers to the noise of the trumpets. A large armchair, beautifully decorated with flowers and wreaths, was reserved as a seat of honour for the great musician. The seventh number on the programme was left vacant, but when it was reached the orchestra began the introduction to Beethoven's concerto.

But as General Schwerin, the last of the six gentlemen, entered the room, the king no longer stood near the door, but lay in his armchair, laughing until the tears stood in his eyes, and Baron von Pollnitz stood before him, giving a most humorous account of the scene which had just taken place in the ante-room, imitating the voices of the different gentlemen, and relating their conversation.

At this moment, however, the gong for dressing sounded, and we went to our several apartments, after this emotional specimen of "Evenings at Home." "What we suffer from most," said the spectre, when I had partly recovered from my fright, "is a kind of aphasia." The spectre was sitting on the armchair beside my bed in the haunted room of Castle Perilous.

The maid-servant took the card, and half closed the door. At least three minutes elapsed before she reappeared. "Missis says it's late, sir; but walk in." The parson accepted the not very gracious invitation, stepped across the little hall, and entered the parlour. Old John Avenel, a mild-looking man, who seemed slightly paralytic, rose slowly from his armchair. Mrs.

Warm olive oil sets millions of pores to full work sometimes in a few seconds. Now let us look at the application of the soapy blanket in the light of these remarks. Here is a poor patient, sitting in an armchair by the fireside, labouring to get breath. It makes one feel burdened to see him. What is wrong? Are the pores blocked up?

The green armchair at Costecalde's shop: and soaring above, like the extended wings of an eagle, the formidable moustache of the brave Commandant Bravida. Then to see himself squatting slothfully on his mat, while he was believed to be engaged in slaying lions, filled him with shame. Suddenly he leaped to his feet. "To the lions!... To the lions!"

In the middle of this chamber was a large oval table with a plain cover of green cloth; and before this table was placed only his Majesty's armchair, which could be taken to pieces, and was made of natural wood, unpainted, and covered with green morocco stuffed with hair, while upon the table was a boxwood writing-desk.

He concluded this amiable rhapsody, the latter part of which was levelled at a lugubrious weakness of his grandmother's for the superfluous embellishment of the dead, by telling her it was bad enough to be tied by the foot like an ass, without settling down on his back like a cast sheep. "Give me the armchair.

My complacency, too, was heightened by Jenny coming out presently, and the admiration she expressed at my dignified attitude under the mulberry-tree, leaning back in father's armchair, and smoking his very own churchwarden. "Good gracious me, Tom!" she exclaimed; Jack the thrush calling out "Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!" at sight of her, as he always did. "Why, you're just like daddy!"