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He had a singular reluctance to name her he knew not why with the other little maid who also had left smiling at three o'clock, an emigrant for whom Death had opened eternal vistas of delight. "I do not know," said Mrs. Moran, "how Van Ariens could suffer his daughter to go to a country full of turmoil and bloodshed." "He was very unhappy to do so, Ava.

How has this letter been delayed? Why do I get only a copy ?" "Because Mr. Van Ariens has the original." "It is all incredible. What do you mean, Annie? Do not keep me in such torturing suspense." "It means that Mr. Van Ariens asked Cornelia to marry him on the same day that you wrote to her about your marriage. She answered both letters in the same hour, and misdirected them."

"I think this, Van Ariens: Philadelphia may win the vote at this time; she has the numbers, and she has 'persuasions'; but look you! During this conversation they had forgotten all else, and when their eyes turned to the Moran house the vision of youth and beauty had dissolved.

"And such a fair, free city for a home!" said Van Heemskirk as he looked up and down the sunshiny street. New York is not perfect, but we love her. Right or wrong, we love her; just as we love our mother, and our little children." "That, also, is what the Domine says," answered Van Ariens; "and yet, he likes not that New York favours the French so much.

"You are more interested in this American girl, than in me. I think you might ask a little concerning my love affair with Captain Seabright." "I always ask you about Mr. Van Ariens. A girl cannot have two lovers," "But if one is gone away?" "Then he has gone away; and that is the end of him. He must not trouble the one who has come to stay, eh, Mary?" "You are right, Annie.

"Mary," she said, "what a strange incident! Did you know the girl?" "I saw her once in Philadelphia. Mr. Van Ariens told me about her. She is the friend of his sister the Marquise de Tounnerre." "How did Mr. Van Ariens know of such an event?" "I suppose the Marquise told him of it." "I am interested. Is she pretty? Who, and what is her father? Did she lose her lover through the mistake?"

Arenta's feelings were in kind and measure shared by several other people; Doctor Moran held them in a far bitterer mood; but he, also, environed by circumstances he could neither alter nor command, was compelled to satisfy his disapproval with promises of a future change. For the wedding of Arenta Van Ariens had assumed a great social importance.

"She would have written to her lover and explained the affair." "Certainly. It is a very singular incident. I want to think it over how did Mr. Van Ariens find it out, I wonder!" "Perhaps the rejected lover confided in him."

If, as she suspected, it was Rem Van Ariens who had detained the misdirected letter, there was only one conceivable result as regarded herself. She, an upright, honourable English girl, loving truth with all her heart, and despising whatever was underhand and disloyal, had but one course to take she must break off her engagement with a man so far below her standard of simple morality.

It happened but doubtless happened because so ordered that the very hour in which Joris left Hyde Manor, Peter Van Ariens received a letter that made him very anxious. He left his office and went to see his son. "Rem," he said, "there is now an opportunity for thee. Here has come a letter from Boston, and some one must go there; and that too in a great hurry.