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Abner's voice had risen to a tremendous crescendo of indignation, and he seemed on the point of quite forgetting his ironical affectation, when, with an effort which added to the effect, he checked himself and resuming his former tone and grin, he added: "I argyed with them fellers ez said them things bout ye.

Wall, we argyed, an' he was so pig-headed I thought I'd have to shoot 'im right thar; but arter 'while he says he'll go back an' set, an' then I come on. Now I want to know what kind of fun you fellers is tryin' to git outen me!"

Josiah argyed and said that "he guessed if everybody follered David up and thanked him he would have his hands full." "But," I sez, "Other folks can do as they're a mind to, I shall do my duty," so I went up to his office follered by a onwillin' Josiah, and advanced towards him where he sot alone at his desk.

It wuz kinder good in Josiah to want to give pleasure in return for what he had had, but I argyed him into thinkin' that he and I would give more pleasure as a congregation than as speakers or singers. For after I had vetoed the singin' that good man proposed that he should speak a piece. Sez he, "I could tell most the hull of the American Taxation."

Josiah wuz on the lookout, I could see, for tiffen to be passed, but it wuzn't, so he ort to give up, but wouldn't; but argyed with me out to one side that "they wuz out of tiffen, and hadn't time to buy any and couldn't borry." Well, the Governor-General seemed to be greatly taken with Dorothy.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Euphemia. "How could you remember all that?" "I heard it so often, I couldn't help remembering it," replied Pomona. And she went on with her narrative. "That case wasn't a easy one to understand, as you may see for yourselves, and it didn't get finished that day. They argyed over it a full week.

A few had gradyeated. Others had argyed with the teacher and become as broken reeds, was stedyin' regular and bein' polite like. In them years, whether he wanted it or not, Ernest had rose up. His repytation was spotless.

This the teacher felt would not do, and besides this, he had met the parson, and "argyed" with him once, and it was the popular verdict that he had not come out ahead in the encounter. All of which tended to make him bear down on "Dodd," till finally he resolved that he would have a row with the boy and that it should be in the reading class. Do not start at this, beloved.

I thought wimmen wuz worse off here than they wuz in America, but Arvilly argyed that our govermunt sold stuff and took pay for it that made men beat their wives, and sold the right to make wicked wimmen and keep 'em so, and took wimmen's tax money to keep up such laws.

"Her marster lafft at her, en argyed wid her, en tried ter 'suade her out'n dis yer fool notion, ez he called it, fer he wuz one er dese yer w'ite folks w'at purten' dey doan b'liebe in cunj'in', but hit wa'n't no use. Sis' Becky kep' gittin' wusser en wusser, 'tel fin'lly dis yer man 'lowed Sis' Becky wuz gwine ter die, sho' 'nuff.