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In the corridor upstairs are other panoramas, a series of photographs, and a collection of graphic charts which show the commerce, finance, industry, administration, education and social service of the republic. The second floor ends at the rear in a beautiful library. The pavilion was built entirely of materials brought from Buenos Aires, and constructed by Argentino workmen. Australia.

No decided improvement resulting from the draught of Montefiascone, he went to the Teatro Argentino, and sat gloomily to see an Italian comedy, which ought to have cheered him somewhat, being full of glancing merriment, and effective over everybody's disabilities except his own. The sculptor came out, however, before the close of the performance, as disconsolate as he went in.

Inside the cup was a small piece of paper, on which were written these words 'From Lord Ruthven to Countess G ." "Precisely; I was sure of it," said Morcerf. "Sure of what?" "That the owner of the horse was Lord Ruthven himself." "What Lord Ruthven do you mean?" "Why, our Lord Ruthven the Vampire of the Salle Argentino!" "Is it possible?" exclaimed the countess; "is he here in Paris?"

"My God, I thought Don Quixote was a Spaniard, instead of a German!" "Argentino," von Schlichten corrected. "And don't try to sell me that Irreplaceable-Man, either. Them M'zangwe can replace me, Hid O'Leary can replace him, Barney Mordkovitz can replace him, and so on down to where you make a second lieutenant out of some sergeant. We've been all over this last evening.

Some of the Argentino landscapes are striking expositions of the spirit of the pampas, particularly Lavecchia's "Near Twilight" . As a whole, the paintings are significant of the country of their painters, a truly worthy quality. The International Room, No. 108, on the east wall between Sweden, Holland and Portugal, contains but a small portion of the foreign pictures.

With him came the Peruvian aviator, Bielovucci, first to fly across the Alps , and Senor Anassagasti, president of the Aero Club Argentino, and also four hundred aeroplanes with picked crews from all parts of South America. There was great rejoicing that evening at General Wood's headquarters over this splendid support given to America by her sister republics.

Like a genuine Frenchman, Albert had employed his time in arranging for the evening's diversion; he had sent to engage a box at the Teatro Argentino; and Franz, having a number of letters to write, relinquished the carriage to Albert for the whole of the day. Yes, in a single day he had accomplished what his more serious-minded companion would have taken weeks to effect.

Albert instantly rose to meet him, but Franz remained, in a manner, spellbound on his chair; for in the person of him who had just entered he recognized not only the mysterious visitant to the Colosseum, and the occupant of the box at the Teatro Argentino, but also his extraordinary host of Monte Cristo. La Mazzolata.

Neither had he neglected to ascertain the name of the piece to be played that night at the Teatro Argentino, and also what performers appeared in it. The opera of "Parisina" was announced for representation, and the principal actors were Coselli, Moriani, and La Specchia.

It is not an uncommon thing in the Argentino pampas I have on two occasions witnessed it myself for a riding-horse to come home, or to the gate of his owner's house, to die.