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Perhaps the most splendid of these rhododendrons is Rhododendron grande or argenteum, which grows to a height of from 30 to 40 feet, and has waxy bell-shaped flowers of a yellowish-white suffused with pink, 2 to 3 inches long and about the same across. The scarlet R. arboreum, so general in the Himalaya, is common in Sikkim and furnishes brilliant patches of colour in the forest.

Campbell spoke firmly and kindly to them, and pointed out their incivility and the unfriendly tone of their whole conduct. R. Dalhousiae; 2. R. vaccinioides; 3. R. camelliaeflorwm; 4. R. arboreum. Above 8000 feet: 5. R. argenteum; 6. R. Falconeri; 7. R. barbatum; 8. R. Campbelliae; 9. R. Edgeworthii; 10. R. niveum; 11. R. Thomsoni; 12. R. cinnabarinum; 13. R. glaucum. Above 10,500 feet: 14.

" Aliquantis ergo evolutis diebus Mac-Caertennum, sive Caerthennum Episcopuin prsefecit sedi Episcopali Clocherensi, ab Ardmacha regni Metropoli haud multum distanti: et apud eum reliquit argenteum quoddam reliquiarium Domnach-airgidh vulgo nuncupatum; quod viro Dei, in Hiberniam venienti, ccelitus missum erat. VII. Vita S. Patricii, Lib. in. cap. 3, Tr. Th. p. 149.

This is everywhere obvious in the prevalent plants of each, and is especially recognisable in the rhododendrons; as the following table shows: 16,000 to 17,000 feet, R. nivale flowers in July; fruits in September=2 months. 13,000 to 14,000 feet, R. anthopogon flowers in June; fruits in Oct.=4 months. 11,000 to 12,000 feet, R. campanulatum flowers in May; fruits in Nov.=8 months. 8,000 to 9,000 feet, R. argenteum flowers in April; fruits in Dec.=8 months.