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Q. You refer, I suppose, to Mr. Charles Wye Williams' Argand furnace? A. I chiefly refer to it, though I also comprehend all other schemes in which there is a continuous admission of air into the flues, with an intermittent generation of smoke. Q. This is not so in Prideaux's furnace?

It was only for a moment; and she added, cheerfully, "The future is always pleasant; so we will look that way." Just then a gentleman wished to see Mr. Sampson on business, and they two went into the library. Mrs. Harris talked on, and I led the way to the parlor. She said she should be called for presently; and then Laura lighted the argand, and dropped the muslin curtains.

He wrote Argand of the Argand burner upon the subject and for a long time Watt lamps were made at the Soho works, which gave a light surpassing in steadiness and brilliance anything of the kind that had yet appeared. He gives four plans for lamps, "with the reservoir below and the stem as tall as you please."

"I have the honour to be one of the few," said his lordship, rising from his seat with so sudden a motion as to displace Lady Delacour's arm which leaned upon him. "For my part," continued he, taking down one of the Argand lamps from the chimney-piece, and trimming it, "I would rather a hundred to one snuff up the oil of this cursed lamp."

The first important improvement was the introduction of that admirable invention the Argand Lamp, with a double stream of air. Four or five of these lamps would doubtless give as much light as the large fires kept by the Romans; but if those lamps are furnished with reflecting mirrors, the luminous effect is prodigiously increased.

It is lighted by a number of argand lamps with powerful reflectors. Some lightships have two masts, and some three, with a ball and a lantern on each. Some of these lanterns contain fixed, others revolving lights these differences being for the purpose of indicating to seamen the particular light which they happen to be passing.

It is poor economy to use a bad light. Modern houses in cities, and even in large villages, are furnished with gas; where gas is not used, sperm-oil, kerosene or coal-oil, and candles are employed. Good sperm-oil burned in an Argand lamp that is, a lamp with a circular wick, like the astral lamp and others is perhaps the best; but it is expensive and attended with many inconveniences.

He look up at her and scowl; then he laugh, with a toss of the finger, and sit down. All at once he put his hand on his sword, and gnash his teeth. "Then she speak down to him, her voice ver' quiet. 'Argand, she say, 'you are more a man drunk than sober.

LESLIE'S BURNER, TWENTY-EIGHT HOLES. 6 feet, light = 14.73 standard candles. 5 feet, light = 11.28 standard candles. "In experimenting with common burners, argand and others, it is found that, if the aperture in the tip is too small for the orifice in the body of the burner, the escaping gas is too highly heated and is consumed too quickly. So with Leslie's burner in an increased degree.

Clement's Danes rendered their further progress almost impossible. "Oh, dear! oh, dear! how unlucky," exclaimed Jorrocks, "I would have given twenty pounds of best Twankay for a fine day and see what a thing we've got! Hold my 'oss," said he to the Yorkshireman, "while I run into the 'Angel, and borrow an argand burner, or we shall be endorsed to a dead certainty." Off he got, and ran to the inn.