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There was a column of dense smoke hovering in the air, lazily swirling this way and that. The airship was rapidly approaching it. "Why that " began Tom, but before he could complete the sentence the smoke was blown violently upward. It became streaked with fire, and, a moment later, there was the echo of a tremendous explosion. "The volcano!" cried Tom. "The Arequipa volcano!

What could give it such a curious color? Nothing but flamingoes, countless thousands of flamingoes Parinacochas at last! Flamingo Lake The Parinacochas Basin is at an elevation of between 11,500 and 12,000 feet above sea level. It is about 150 miles northwest of Arequipa and 170 miles southwest of Cuzco, and enjoys a fair amount of rainfall. The lake is fed by springs and small streams.

I insisted on their hurrying to Sumbay bridge, although I told him they did not have anything now with which to destroy the bridge. However, they could post their troops should they arrive first and be in position to command the approaches. After leaving me, he ordered his troops forward. I was getting weaker and weaker. At last orders came to go to Arequipa with the Arequipena.

Hill's best horses in readiness at midnight. One of the hostlers was to accompany us and when we reached Tambo, Thompson and I would take the train for Arequipa. I went to my room, packed my clothes, carefully loaded two revolvers and placed my trunk and other articles of value in the hands of my friends, with orders to send them to Arequipa after the sensation of my escape was over.

They had six coaches full of soldiers, the priest who assisted me being among them. The day after our arrival at Arequipa the funeral of William Cuthbert took place. The procession was the largest that I had ever witnessed at any funeral in Arequipa, natives as well as foreigners taking part.

Valuable series of observations were, nevertheless, made at Lick and Arequipa; and they unite in testifying to the genuine prevalence of surface-variability, especially in certain regions of intermediate tint, and perhaps of the "crude consistence" of "boggy Syrtes, neither sea, nor good dry land."

Then I knew that I was coming nearer to the land that had once been mine, and ere many hours had passed we stopped in a great city which still bore its old name of Arequipa, the Place of Rest, which my own ancestors had given to it.

No systematic attempt has yet been made to map them accurately as a whole on a large scale, for their extreme intricacy and delicacy would render the task a very difficult one, and, moreover, would demand a long course of observation with a powerful telescope in an ideal situation; but Professor W.H. Pickering, observing under these conditions at Arequipa, has recently devoted considerable attention both to the Tycho and other rays, with especially suggestive and important results, which may be briefly summarised as follows:

Professor W.H. Pickering, observing the formation in 1891 with a 13 inch telescope under the favourable atmospheric conditions which prevail at Arequipa, Peru, confirmed this supposition, and has discovered some very interesting and suggestive facts relating to these variations, which, it is hoped, will soon be made public.

Although I had been studying South American history and geography for more than ten years, I did not remember ever to have heard of Coropuna. On most maps it did not exist. Fortunately, on one of the sheets of Raimondi's large-scale map of Peru, I finally found "Coropuna 6,949 m." 9 meters higher than Aconcagua! one hundred miles northwest of Arequipa, near the 73d meridian west of Greenwich.