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Next came Fizzy, who was bent on being funny at any cost. He wrote: " as the man said, sticking his fork into the German sausage. 'What ho, my merry minions, help! he cried; 'let us draw forth the areoplane into the home meadow, for I would fain experiment with it. A lord is no lord unless he can daunt the swallow and the pigeon.

First machine I saw, though I was just getting off the train at Belmont Park, and there was an areoplane up in the air, and it looked like one of them big mechanical beetles these fellows sell on the street buzzing around up there. I was kind of disappointed. But what do you think?

Where's the satisfaction in not usin' their money? You know him?" The speaker cocked an eye up at the handsome young stranger. "I I've met him," returned Ben. "You might be interested, then, to hear about what happened out to the farm yisterday. P'r'aps it'll be in the paper to-night. A young girl visitin' the Carders was kidnapped right out o' the field by an areoplane.

"Trouble with a lot of folks is: they're so blame material; they don't see the spiritual and mental side of American supremacy; they think that inventions like the telephone and the areoplane and wireless no, that was a Wop invention, but anyway: they think these mechanical improvements are all that we stand for; whereas to a real thinker, he sees that spiritual and, uh, dominating movements like Efficiency, and Rotarianism, and Prohibition, and Democracy are what compose our deepest and truest wealth.

"I ought to have shot him the first time he came," he said savagely. "Did the the areoplane ever come before?" asked Pete, amazed, his heart's desire to see again and save his goddess supplying him with courage to speak. His dull eyes opened as wide as their puffiness would permit. "No," snarled Carder; "but it was that damned fool on the motor-cycle without a doubt. I don't see how he got at her.

He agreed vaguely: "Pretty hard, all right." "Go out to the areoplane meet?" asked the fat man. "No. But I'd like to see it. Gee! there must be kind of kind of adventure in them things, heh?" "Yuh sure is.

M'Clinton and Eliza, who tugged her upwards. Between the two parties she was beginning to think she would be torn to pieces, when suddenly came swooping from the clouds an areoplane, curiously like a wheelbarrow, and in it Bob, who leaned out as he dived, grasped her by the hair, and swung her aboard with him.

Charlotte mumbled some inarticulate greeting, falling an instant victim to the young creature's humility and loveliness. "I look very queer, I know," continued Geraldine, "but you see I just came down out of the sky." "She really did," put in Miss Upton. "She came in Mr. Barry's areoplane." "Shan't I die!" commented Mrs. Whipp, continuing to stare with a pertinacity equal to Rufus Carder's own.

Pete's shock of hair stood up as usual like a scrubbing-brush; he wore no hat, and his dull eyes looked about from one to another eager face. Ben had strolled back of a tall pile of starch-boxes. "Is it true an areoplane come down in Mr. Carder's field yisterday?" The question volleyed at the dwarf from a dozen directions.

"Now then, boy," he said kindly, "an areoplane dived down out o' the sky into your medder yisterday and picked up a homely, stupid girl and flew off with her." "She was an angel!" exclaimed the dwarf. His dull eyes brightened and looked away. "She was more beautiful than flowers." "She was, eh?" returned the grocer, and the crowd listened breathlessly. "They say your master was goin' to marry her?