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There is also an increase in the size of the breasts, with a deepened color of their areolae and later a watery secretion. The external genitals become swollen and of a bluish color. Feeling of the fetal movements that is, the movements of the small parts of the child in the womb by the mother is not always reliable, since gas in the intestines has sometimes been mistaken for this.

Foerster, Froriep, and Ried cite instances associated with thoracic malformation. Greenhow reports a case in which the mammae were absent, although there were depressed rudimentary nipples and areolae. There were no ovaries and the uterus was congenitally imperfect.

Shortly after the first coitus her abdomen began to enlarge, the breasts to develop, and the areolae to darken. In seven months the abdomen presented the signs of pregnancy, but the cervix was soft and patulous; the sound entered three inches and was followed by some hemorrhage.

Bauer has represented the tissue of the stigma, in the species of Bletia, both before and, as he believes, after impregnation; and in the latter state the utriculi are marked with from one to three areolae of similar appearance. "The nucleus may even be supposed to exist in the pollen of this family.

In the early stages of its formation, at least a minute areola is of ten visible in the simple grain, and in each of the constituent parts of cells of the compound grain. But these areolae may perhaps rather be considered as merely the points of production of the tubes.

She had abrupt vertical abdominal movements, so strong as to cause her to plunge and sway from side to side. Her breasts were enlarged, the areolae dark, and the uterus contained an elastic tumor, heavy and rolling under the hand.