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This is a hint to you, that as Phoebus, who was certainly your superior, could take up with a chestnut garland, or any crown he found, you must have the humility to be content without laurels, when none are to be had: you have hunted far and near for them, and taken true pains to the last in that old nursery-garden Germany, and by the way have made me shudder with your last journal: but you must be easy with quâlibet other arbore; you must come home to your own plantations.

Another necessity of absolute government is the repression of free criticism directed against itself. Heresy and schism in an autocratic Church take the place of treason against the sovereign. Cyprian, in the third century, had already laid down the principles by which alone the central authority could be maintained. 'Ab arbore frange ramum; fractus germinare non poterit.

Of the Havannah I could tell you nothing if I would; people grow impatient at not hearing from thence. Adieu! You see I am a punctual correspondent when Empresses commit murders. STRAWBERRY HILL, Sept. 9, 1762. Nondum laurus erat, longoque decentia crine Tempora cingebat de quâlibet arbore Phoebus.

It may also mean "by his incitement of me." All this scene is written in the worst form of Persian-Egyptian blackguardism, and forms a curious anthropological study. The "black joke" of the true and modest wife is inimitable. The "Tin" or real fig here is the woman's parts; the "mulberry- fig," the anus. Dicemus ficus, quas scimus in arbore nasci, Dicemus ficos, Caeciliane, tuos.

In his poem on astronomy, Daru, of the French Academy, describes this episode in eloquent terms: "Un autre Mahomet a-t-il d'un bras puissant Aux murs de Constantine arboré le croissant: Le Danube étonné se trouble au bruit des armes, La Grèce est dans les fers, l'Europe est en alarmes; Et pour comble d'horreur, l'astre au visage ardent De ses ailes de feu va couvrir l'Occident. Au pied de ses autels, qu'il ne saurait défendre, Calixte, l'oeil en pleurs, le front convert de cendre, Conjure la comète, objet de tant d'effroi: Regarde vers les cieux, pontife, et lève-toi! L'astre poursuit sa course, et le fer d'Huniade Arrête le vainqueur, qui tombe sous Belgrade. Dans les cieux cependant le globe suspendu, Par la loi générale

The songs of the fishwomen, in which Napoleon was called Nicolas, were received there with transports of joy. Duchesses, the most delicate and charming women in the world, went into ecstasies over couplets like the following, addressed to "the federates": Refoncez dans vos culottes Le bout d' chemis' qui vous pend. Qu'on n' dis' pas qu' les patriotes Ont arbore l' drapeau blanc?

"Strata jacent passim sus quaeque sub arbore poma." Beyond these rich masses of foliage, to which the sun lent additional splendour, at the utmost extremity of the pastures, rose the irregular ridge of the Apennines, whose deep blue presented a striking contrast to the glowing colours of the foreground.

Eadem sententia est gratiarum actionis. Post convivium, dorsis invicem obversis ... choreas ducere et cantare fescenninos in honorem daemonis obscaenissimos, vel ad tympanum fistulamve sedentis alicujus in bifida arbore saltare ... tum suis amasiis daemonibus foedissime commisceri. Sometimes they were baptized anew.

Then "faring on our way," we reached the division marked Anonaceæ, and there my eye came upon a sight which rivalled in wonder the golden bough of the sixth Æneid which the doves of Venus showed to Æneas: "Tollunt se celeres, liquidumque per aëra lapsæ, Sedibus optatis geminæ super arbore sidunt, Discolor unde auri per ramos aura refulsit."

Primum est quod vocatur longum piper, et venit priusquam nascuntur folia in arbustis, quemadmodum nos in arbore videmus corylo in hyeme ante folia praecedere quasdam caudulas longas, quo circa initium vindemiato, nascuntur cum foliis botri piperis viridis ad similitudinem paruarum vuarum.