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"Monsieur Arbillot was here yesterday he waited for you all day, and as you did not come, he went away at nightfall." "I presume you were in my cousin's service?" said Julien, amiably, being desirous from the beginning to evince charitable consideration with regard to his relative's domestic affairs.

Then, turning toward the notary and the bailiff: "You are doubtless, gentlemen, of the same opinion as myself; it will be wise, therefore, to defer raising the remainder of the seals until the arrival of the legal heir. Maitre Arbillot, Monsieur Julien de Buxieres must be notified, and asked to be here in Vivey as soon as possible."

But Julien interrupted him with an imperious gesture, and replied, frowning angrily: "If you please, Maitre Arbillot, we will not enter upon that subject. I have already tried my best to show a kindly feeling toward Monsieur Claudet, but I have been only here twenty-four hours, and he has already found opportunities for affronting me twice. I beg you not to speak of him again."

"Monsieur Arbillot was here yesterday he waited for you all day, and as you did not come, he went away at nightfall." "I presume you were in my cousin's service?" said Julien, amiably, being desirous from the beginning to evince charitable consideration with regard to his relative's domestic affairs.

While she applied her handkerchief ostentatiously to her nose and wiped her eyes, the justice exchanged glances with the notary. "Maitre Arbillot, you think doubtless with me, that we ought to begin operations by examining the furniture of the bedroom?" The notary inclined his head, and notified his chief clerk to remove his papers to the first floor.

The next morning, according to agreement, Julien accompanied Claudet to Auberive, where Maitre Arbillot drew up the deed of gift, and had it at once signed and recorded. Afterward the young men adjourned to breakfast at the inn. The meal was brief and silent. Neither seemed to have any appetite.

"Good-morning, gentlemen," he cried. "I was anxiously expecting you if you are willing, we will begin our work at once, for at this season night comes on quickly." "At your orders, Maitre Arbillot," replied the justice, laying his hat down carefully on the window-sill; "we shall draw out the formula for raising the seals. By the way, has no will yet been found?" "None to my knowledge.

Before their departure, Arbillot the notary, passed his arm familiarly through that of Julien and led him into an adjoining room, which served as billiard-hall and library.

"The inventory," explained Maitre Arbillot, "is drawn up at the requisition of the only heir named, to whom we must make application, if necessary, for the property left by the deceased."

"I trust," said Destourbet, after one of these intervals which enabled the clerk to walk by his side, "I trust we shall find Maitre Arbillot down there; we shall have need of his services in looking over and filing the papers of the deceased."