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"Why not imitate the Turks, then, mount our infantry upon mules, and reduce the strength of our army? "The response is very simple: "The Turks are Turks that is to say, Mussulmans and indigenous to the country; the Turks speak the Arabic language; the Deys of Algiers had less country to guard than we, and they care very little about retaining possession of it.

"I fancy I know it better than anyone," answered Farsetti, in a self-satisfied manner. "What is it good for?" "That is too vague a question." "What does the word mean?" "It is an Arabic word, of which I do not know the meaning; but no doubt Paracelsus would tell us." "The word," said I, "is neither Arabic nor Hebrew, nor, indeed, of any language at all.

Terrifying he looked as he towered in the dusk, his huge eyes rolling, and his hand on the hilt of a scimitar, which looked as though it had been tempered more for use than for ornament. "What wouldst thou?" he demanded in dog Arabic of the woman whose eyes flashed disdainfully over the veil which hid her pock-marked face.

As I have already mentioned, Constantinus Africanus, a North African Christian monk, widely travelled and learned in languages, came to Salernum and translated many works from Arabic into Latin, particularly those of Hippocrates and Galen. The "Pantegni" of the latter became one of the most popular text-books of the Middle Ages.

This picture, afterwards repeated by Benozzo Gozzoli with some change in the persons, has been minutely described, because it is important to bear in mind the measure of inspiration conceded by the mediaeval Church to the fathers of Greek philosophy, and her utter detestation of the peripatetic traditions transmitted through the Arabic by Averroes.

The religious part of the ceremony is enacted some days before the marriage. One day papa was calling at a Malay house, where a wedding was about to take place, and found the bridegroom learning a passage in the Koran, in Arabic, which he could not translate, but which it was necessary he should repeat. A hadji was standing by, driving the words into his head.

"By dint of drawing out the negotiations as long as possible, and by the employment of all my persuasive powers, I succeeded in tiding over the moment of acute tension. Then came the incident of the Arabic. My laboriously constructed diplomatic edifice came tumbling about my ears, and things looked blacker than ever. The American Government regarded the Arabic incident most seriously, believing as they did that it was typical of the whole German policy vis-

Why don't you make him understand that if all the Pyramids depended on it, I would not give him sixpence!" And then Abdallah, thus invoked, came up, and explained to the man in Arabic that he would gain his object more surely if he would behave himself a little more quietly; a hint which the man took for one minute, and for one minute only. And then poor Mrs.

That steamer was wrecked at Hebbeh, and all on board, with one exception, were massacred. "My mother always retained some hope that he might have escaped, from his knowledge of Arabic. She received a small pension from the Egyptian government, for the loss of my father, and added to this by teaching in the families of several Turkish functionaries.

Cicero reports that some persons looked on some part of the cerebrum as the chief seat of the mind. In the Semitic languages the first occurrence of a term for 'brain' is in the Arabic. Some American tribes are said to regard the brain as the seat of the mind.