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He conducted me to the King's chamber, where his Majesty thus addressed me kindly, but in an impressive manner, "M. de Bourrienne, can we rely upon you? I expect much from your zeal and fidelity." "Your Majesty," replied I, "shall have no reason to complain of my betraying your confidence." "Well, I re-establish the Prefecture of the Police, and I appoint you Prefect.

True feeling, and a ladylike consideration for others a point in which the present generation essentially fails are the best guides for steering between the extremes of demonstration, on the one hand, and of frigidity on the other. It is the lady's exclusive privilege to appoint the wedding-day; and however impatient the lover, he must submit patiently to her decree upon this important point.

Rivers shall be then set free." Without waiting for any further words, Lopez bade her adieu, and retired. After leaving Katie, Lopez decided to give notice to the priest about the nature of the ceremony that was to be performed, and also to appoint the time for its performance on the following morning. As he entered the room Talbot saw in his face the sign of some important purpose.

"That I don't know; but evidently for some advantage to Madame or Mademoiselle Duval, if still alive, because my employer authorizes me to spend no less than L100 in ascertaining where she is, if alive, or where she was buried, if dead; and if other means fail, I am instructed to advertise to the effect that if Louise Duval, or, in case of her death, any children of hers living in the year 1849, will communicate with some person whom I may appoint at Paris, such intelligence, authenticated, may prove to the advantage of the party advertised for.

He was to appoint and renew, at the usual times, the magistracies in the cities, according to the ancient constitutions. He was to make changes in those boards, if necessary, at unusual times, with consent of the majority of those representing the great council and corpus of the said cities.

That the East India Company having thought proper to create the office of Advocate-General in Bengal, and to appoint Sir John Day to that office, it was resolved by a General Court of Proprietors that a salary of three thousand pounds a year should be allowed to the said Sir John Day, in full consideration of all demands and allowances whatsoever for his services to the Company at the Presidency of Fort William.

Louis XVIII. smiled, and continued: "You, my dear sir, are a marshal of France. I appoint you to this dignity." "Sire," said Eugene, bowing profoundly, "I am much obliged to your majesty for your kind intentions, but the misfortune of the rank to which destiny has called me will not allow me to accept the high title with which you honor me. I thank you very much, but I must decline it ."

The other teachers tell me she is getting along beautifully thus far in her lessons." "We can never get seven girls out of the freshman class!" remarked Marjorie, skeptically. "Then we'll just appoint the best ones for the regular positions, and trust to luck for substitutes till we have a regular game. It's all we can do!"

But the President merely reiterated, somewhat curtly, that he knew nothing about it. I became a little annoyed, finally losing my temper. "I don't care a damn whether you appoint him or not," I exclaimed; "Ridgely's a Democrat, anyhow." Thereupon his attitude quickly changed, and he inquired about Ridgely, listening with interest to what I had to say.

"He wouldn't mind my entering the navy as an officer, but he is not willing to have me enter the merchant service." "Then why doesn't he send you to the Naval Academy?" "Because I can't enter without receiving the appointment from a member of Congress. Our member can only appoint one, and there is no vacancy. So, as I can't go where I want to, I am preparing for Harvard."