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On his arrival in his home, the aged priest, by means of the writing-table afterwards referred to, informed his wife, who apparently had not accompanied him, of all that had happened, even to the name which the child was to bear, She, at least, seems to have found no difficulty in accepting the divine assurance, and during her five months of seclusion she nursed great and mighty thoughts in her heart, in the belief and prayer that her child would become all that his name is supposed to signify, the gift of Jehovah.

The older women and men are slow in their movements, placid, very quiet, and apparently satisfied with their lives. I suppose the lack of smart dress and finery among the young people on Sunday, and at the wedding, gave a somewhat monotonous and dreary impression of the assemblage.

Mill's view would apparently be that Coleridge somehow managed to correct the errors or fill the gaps of the Utilitarian system a very necessary task, as Mill admits while Coleridge would have held that those errors were the inevitable fruit of the whole empirical system of thought.

The air was so tingling and sunny, and the garden was so beautiful, and being young and free and in the country was so heavenly that she dressed and ran down, and sang along the garden paths as she picked herself a big bunch of golden chrysanthemums and purple and pink asters. Nobody else, apparently, was stirring yet.

Twice before Stanley's departure did Isabella contrive an apparently accidental meeting between him and Marie, permitting them, though in her presence, ample opportunity for mutual explanation; but not with much evident success.

It seems to spread out its wings and to be lifted straight upwards out of sight by the afflatus of its own happy heart. To pour out this in undulating rivulets of rhapsody is apparently the only motive of its ascension. This it is that has made it so loved of all generations. It is the singing angel of man's nearest heaven, whose vital breath is music.

"Well," observed Holmes, quietly, "we'd better make ourselves easy until the Chief returns. You don't mind if I write a letter, do you?" "Go ahead," said Cato. "Don't mind me." "Light up," said Holmes, tossing him a cigar, and turning to the table where he busied himself for the next five minutes, apparently in writing.

A loud bark from the dog next foreboded a discovery; but both he and his master had halted on the summit of the bank, apparently to survey the occupant of the boat.

Fifteen minutes passed before Enright, suave and apparently young except for growing baldness, appeared. "I take it you are Mr. Cavendish," he said, advancing, "and that you are in immediate need of an attorney's counsel." Cavendish nodded, shook hands, and motioned him into a chair. "I have been called suddenly out of town, Mr.

Among these persons, the most prominent one, and the one apparently most likely to succeed, was a prince of Spain. His name was Philip. It was his father's plan, and not his own, that he should marry Queen Mary. His father was at this time the most wealthy and powerful monarch in Europe. His name was Charles. He is commonly called in history Charles V. of Spain.