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Some called her dull, but rather, it seems, she early sensed her fate. When but a child she was sent to "San Antone" and operated on by a throat specialist. After May's death she went to the mountains each summer and spent two winters in South Texas. But she grew more and more thin, and in the end it was tuberculosis. Frank, the last child, was different from all the others.

"It was ninety miles to San Antone, and forty to the nearest railroad- station, so Uncle Cal was gone about four days. I was over at the Double-Elm when he came rolling back one evening about sundown. And up there in the wagon, sure enough, was a piano or a organ we couldn't tell which all wrapped up in woolsacks, with a wagon-sheet tied over it in case of rain.

The difference was this: when a cattleman went to San Antone and bought beer for the newspaper reporters and only give them the number of cattle he actually owned, they wrote him up for a baron. When he bought 'em champagne wine and added in the amount of cattle he had stole, they called him a king. "Luke Summers was one of his range bosses.

We three have lived up here without seeing any one-ANY ONE! Cherry has hardly spoken to a man, except Peter and Antone and Kow, since she came!" "Who's this George Sewall?" he asked, shrewdly. "The lawyer! Oh, heavens, Martin! Why, George was a beau of mine; he's a widower of fifty, and has just announced his engagement to the trained nurse that took care of his boy!" "H'm!" Martin commented.

"I'm against the north wall; rake the other side and the bar with your shotgun if they don't step out. You and Cutter together. I've got Rickard and Nuñez out of it. Drop your gun, Galloway; lively, while you've got the chance. Antone, Struve's got a shotgun!" Antone cursed, and with the snarl of his voice came the clatter of a revolver slammed down on the bar.

Suspicion of the Quigley mines robbery had turned at first toward del Rio. But he had established an alibi. So had Galloway. So had Antone and the Kid. "There is nothing to do but wait," Norton insisted. "It won't be long now." She saw Norton often; what did she think? Was he on the verge of a collapse? Was he physically fit? "All of this criticism hurts him," said the banker thoughtfully.

The next morning I goes down about two miles of stairsteps to the bottom and hunts for Luke. It ain't no use. It looks like San Jacinto day in San Antone.

"Bad luck cursing a dead man, Rickard," said Norton coldly. "What did you kill him for?" Kid Rickard's tongue ran back and forth between his colorless lips before he replied. "He tried to get me first," he said defiantly. "Who saw the shooting?" "Jim Galloway. And Antone." Rod Norton grunted his disgust with the situation. "Give me your gun," he commanded tersely. The Kid frowned.

Drawn by the coquettish señoritas, the music of the weird Spanish minstrels, and the strange piquant Mexican dishes served at a hundred competing tables, crowds thronged the Alamo Plaza all night. Travellers, rancheros, family parties, gay gasconading rounders, sightseers and prowlers of polyglot, owlish San Antone mingled there at the centre of the city's fun and frolic.

Summers and the kid was gone. They tell us that an hour after me and Luke had started for San Antone she had a team hitched and lit out for the nearest station with her trunks and the youngster. "Luke takes out his decree once more and reads off its emoluments. "'It ain't possible, Bud, says he, 'for this to be. It's contrary to law and order.