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On the return journey an accident happened which sent grief to Barn-dale's soul. Five or six years ago, wandering aimlessly in Venice, Barndale had an adventure. He met a sculptor, a young Italian, by name Antoletti, a man of astonishing and daring genius. This man was engaged on a work of exquisite proportions 'Madeline and Porphyro' he called it.

As she entered the door Lilian gave a cry, and dashed at the table; then turned and held up before the doctor's eyes a meerschaum pipe the identical Antoletti meerschaum stolen in the Stamboul Bazaar by Demetri Agryopoulo. 'This is it! she gasped. 'The clue! Oh, it is certain! It is true! Who else could have wished him ill? Then she told the doctor the story of the pipe.

It took Barndale a long time to get into this young artist's confidence; but he got there at last, and made a bid for 'Madeline and Porphyro, and paid something in advance for it, and had the work completed. He sold it to a connoisseur at an amazing profit, handed that profit to young Antoletti, and made a man of him.

It would be pleasant to have a trifle like that turned out by the hands of genius. I should prize it more than a statue. 'Ah! said Antoletti, beaming on him, 'ah, signor! you shall have it. It shall be the last pipe I will ever carve, and I will remember you whilst I carve it. So the pipe was carved a work of exquisitely intricate and delicate art.