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"Feel better, Dunbar?" The cool, clear voice cut through the tense silence like the zip of a sword. "I do, thank you, sir," looking him straight in the eye. "The fresh air, doubtless," continued the cool voice. "I always find myself that even a whiff of fresh air is a very effective antidote for threatening vertigo.

"As an antidote to stage fright," said Jimmy, as they went along the corridor, "little discussions of that kind may be highly recommended. I shouldn't mind betting that you feel fit for anything?" "I feel like a two-year-old," assented his lordship, enthusiastically. "I've forgotten all my part, but I don't care. I'll just go on and talk to them." "That," said Jimmy, "is the right spirit.

Seward caused its typographical preparation in advance of presidential use. It therefore becomes an antidote to the heated poison of the Palmerston or Derby prints, which emulate in seizing the last national outrage for party purposes.

One explains it by saying that if there is poison on one page there is always the antidote on the next. Another observes that a certain morality of misfortune is never absent from her fictions. In other words, she nowhere presents us with the spectacle of real happiness reaped at the expense of a violation of conscience.

Dora was clever and played her cards cleverly. However, Eva was on guard. "Please come to the point," she insisted. "Tell me exactly why you have come." Dora paused a moment, then replied, impressively, "I have come to save your father's life." Eva caught herself almost gasping in astonishment as Dora covertly watched the effect of her words. "You have the antidote, then?" asked Eva, breathlessly.

Read this great work, and you will be made to see what fine, noble creatures we men are" she strode to and fro "and how a woman's first duty is to recognize her inferiority to us, and be womanly.... Damme!... As soon as I saw what poor Marguerite had to do I told her I should either have to go out and kill some one, or produce an antidote.

Such discussions were not at all unusual in the Club at Manila, for they presented the only antidote to the leaden, soul-killing tedium of the dull monotony of garrison duty.

He praises all sweet fruit, oil, olives, and finds in rue an antidote to poison. Ten o'clock was his hour for going to bed, and he allowed himself eight hours' sleep. When wakeful he would walk about the room and repeat the multiplication table.

"Very few, in fact, compared to the number of black flies, sand fleas, and jiggers. However, you'll find more discomfort from the poison ivy, I imagine." "Lucien," began Silvia in lament. "Never mind!" I hastened to console, "you are out of the woods now, and you won't have to go in again. I presume they have an antidote up at the house.

He stated the case to her in two words, for the poison was already frying his marrow, and requested her to give him an antidote.