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Soon after the adoption of the new constitution, the anti-federal party were recognised by a name more descriptive of their principles and their views. They assumed the title of democrats. They considered themselves anti-consolidationists, but not anti-federalists. They knew that a section of the dominant party were the friends of a splendid national government.

Are they not, many of them, men who have fought and bled under the banners of liberty?—Most certainly this is the case.—Will you then, countrymen and fellow-citizens, give heed to these infamous, anti-federal slanderers, who, in censuring the proposed plan of federal government, have dared, basely dared to treat even the characters of a Washington and a Franklin with reproach?—Surely you will not.

The federalists styled their opponents anti-federalists. The anti-federalists designated their opponents tories. In April, 1789, there was an election for governor of the State of New-York. The anti-federal party nominated George Clinton. A meeting of citizens, principally federalists, was held in the city of New-York, and Judge Robert Yates was nominated in opposition to Mr. Clinton. Mr.

The moral certainty, therefore, is, that there will be an anti-federal majority in the ensuing legislature; and the very high probability is, that this will bring Jefferson into the chief magistracy, unless it be prevented by the measure which I shall now submit to your consideration; namely, the immediate calling together of the existing legislature.

The converse policy of treating the case of Ireland as "prior in point of time and urgency," of giving the poorest and most backward portion of the United Kingdom the whole of its revenue and a practically unfettered control of its territory, is, indeed, "not merely non-federal, but anti-federal."

And those who oppose this part of the federal plan, act in direct opposition to what the anti-federalists often profess, for the excellency of our constitution has been their favourite theme. The third section also provides, that the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. This clause seems to be peculiarly obnoxious to anti-federal sycophants.

At the spring elections of 1818, the Constitution and Reform Ticket carried the day, seating the reflected governor and lieutenant-governor, eight anti-Federal senators, and preserving the anti-Federal majority in the House. The governor's inaugural address specified the main task before the Assembly in the following words:

Soon after the adoption of the new constitution, the anti-federal party were recognised by a name more descriptive of their principles and their views. They assumed the title of democrats. They considered themselves anti-consolidationists, but not anti-federalists. They knew that a section of the dominant party were the friends of a splendid national government.

The letters of Agrippa were the ablest anti-federal publications printed in Massachusetts, and showed especial ability in arguing the dangers and defects of a plan of government which was both so peculiarly needed, and so specially advantageous to the State of Massachusetts, that its adoption was only endangered by certain questions of local politics, which could not even enter into the discussion.

Smith was an anti-federal member of that body. Some time after the adoption of the constitution, Ledyard stated to a friend of his, that to Colonel Alexander Hamilton had been assigned, in a special manner, the duty of defending that portion of the constitution which related to the judiciary of the United States. That an outdoor conversation between Colonel Hamilton and Mr.