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Various reasons have been alleged for this: Education, example, simplicity of life. Professor Haddock asserts that this virtue of provincial ladies is solely due to the fact that the heels of their shoes are low. "A woman," said he, in a learned article in the "Anthropological Review", "a woman attracts a civilized man in proportion as her feet make an angle with the ground.

Compare The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, i. 70 sqq. As to the customs observed among these Indians by the father of a girl at such times in order not to lose his luck in hunting, see Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild, ii. 268. Compare C. Hill Tout, "Report on the Ethnology of the Stlatlumh of British Columbia," Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxxv. p. 136.

This thinker takes thirty years to move from the Epicurean quietude to the quietism of Fenelon, and this only speculatively, for his practical life remains the same, and all his anthropological discovery consists in returning to the theory of the three lives, lower, human, and higher, which is in Pascal and in Aristotle. And this is what they call a philosopher in France!

This is certainly a strange result of a religion which, according to the anthropological theory, has Animism for its basis. We therefore examine certain forms of the animistic hypothesis as applied to account for the religion of Israel. These circumstances must be our excuse for venturing on to this difficult ground.

With best wishes for your good health and happiness, believe me, dear Darwin, yours very faithfully, P.S. I have just been reading Howorth's paper in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute. How perverse it is. He throughout confounds "fertility" with "increase of population," which seems to me to be the main cause of his errors.

Suppose she was to tell her aunt quietly but firmly about the parasitic males of degraded crustacea. The girl suppressed a chuckle that would have been inexplicable. There came a wild rush of anthropological lore into her brain, a flare of indecorous humor. It was one of the secret troubles of her mind, this grotesque twist her ideas would sometimes take, as though they rebelled and rioted.

Rev. Rev. J. Roscoe, The Baganda, p. 459. C.W. Hobley, "Further Researches into Kikuyu and Kamba Religious Beliefs and Customs," Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, xli. p. 409. See above, p. 27. Anton Witte, "Menstruation und Pubertätsfeier der Mädchen in Kpandugebiet Togo," Baessler-Archiv, i. p. 279. Th.

I doubt if there is a paper in the world that would not greatly prefer him as an editor to you " "You are absurdly mistaken," he interrupted coldly. "I might name various papers " "Yes, the Political Science Quarterly and the Journal of the Anthropological Institute."

The phrase explains nothing. However incoherent the mind of the animal or the savage may be, it is there somewhere, working on some data. I've been all through the psychological and anthropological side of the business, and after you eliminate the clues from sight and hearing and smell and half-conscious memory there remains a solid lump of the inexplicable.

The real object is to show that facts may be regarded in this light, as well as in the light thrown by the anthropological theory, in the hands whether of Mr. Tylor, Mr. Spencer, M. Réville, or Mr. Jevons, whose interesting work comes nearest to our provisional hypothesis. We only ask for suspense of judgment, and for hesitation in accepting the dogmas of modern manual makers.