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His book is wonderfully ill-printed, and, though he had some curious reading, his style was cumbrous, jocular, and verbose. It may, therefore, be worth while, in the light of anthropological research, to show how very closely human nature has repeated its past performances. The new marvels were certainly not stimulated by literary knowledge of the ancient thaumaturgy.

But people in authority always do that. The only thing we can do about it is for us, personally, to make our offices as clean and amusing as we can, instead of trying to buy yachts. But don't ever think either that capitalists are a peculiar race of fiends, different from anarchists or scrubwomen, or that we'll have a millennium about next election. We've got to be anthropological in our view.

The success of The Arabian Nights, which was owing entirely to its anthropological and pornographic notes, was for Sir Richard Burton both good and bad. It was good because it removed for the remainder of his life all pecuniary anxieties; it was bad because it led him to devote himself exclusively to subjects which certainly should not occupy exclusively the attention of any man.

Little people may fittingly rule a little village. But these little people would dominate the huge Natatorium, the wonderful Bureau of Anthropological Records, and the Temple of Religions. On the whole I would rather work towards the creation of Great People than of World Centres. Before creating a World Conscience let us have bodies and souls for its reception.

Also it involves some sort of conventional doctrine, which is, as it were, the inner side of the ritual its lining. Now in what follows I shall insist, in the first instance, on this sociological side of religion. For anthropological purposes it is the sounder plan.

On the other hand, I have ever met with the greatest civility from the Spanish Canarians. Two mummies of Canarian origin have lately been added to the collection, and the library has become respectable. The steamers are now so hurried that I had no time to inspect it, nor to call upon Don Gregorio Chil y Naranjo, President of the Anthropological Society.

Yet this appears actually to have been his condition at one time but let me quote the entry in his own words, which need no comments of mine to heighten their strangeness. "Events connected with the acquirement of Numbers 7, 8 and 9 in the Anthropological Series: "We are the creatures of circumstance.

He exchanged names, and therefore affinities, with a friendly native of the Louisiades, and learned much at first hand as to their physical and mental characteristics, which stimulated his subsequent anthropological work.

Isabel, where he made himself comfortable and listened with complaisance to Lord Russell and friends three thousand miles away fuming and gnashing their teeth. The Anthropological Society, 6th Jan. 1863. After an absence of a year and a half, Burton, as the result of his wife's solicitation at the Foreign Office, obtained four months' leave.

"Anthropological observations," he says, "have long since ruined this adventurous hypothesis." He does not tell us what these observations are, but we presume that he refers to the occurrence of varying skull types among the people buried in the megalithic tombs. Nothing is more natural than that some variation should occur.