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This was Carlo Goldoni, one of the first of the realists, but antedating conscious realism so long as to have been born at Venice early in the eighteenth century, and to have come to his hand-to-hand fight with the romanticism of his day almost before that century had reached its noon.

Finally, she dispatched a telegram, prepaying a reply, to the proprietor of the Cliff Hotel, and a few hours later she announced to her husband that she proposed antedating her visit to Monkshaven by three days. "I shall go down the day after to-morrow on Monday," she said. "Then I'd better send a wire to Sara," suggested Geoffrey. "No, don't do that. I intend taking her by surprise."

I laid that vintage down to give you a lesson to show you that my plans come safe to maturity, I credited him with a large share of foresight, though I well knew his habit of antedating his sagacity, and could not but smile at the illustration of it. You perceive my state without rendering it necessary for me to label myself. I saw her next in a pinewood between Ischl and the Traun.

Here again Philadelphia was the pioneer, for it called into being the first labor party. Not only this, but through the Mechanics' Union Philadelphia started probably the first wage-earners' paper ever published the 'Mechanics Free Press' antedating, in January, 1828, the first similar journal in England by two years.*

Sturgeon remained nineteen years, rendering such satisfactory services in the teaching of Negroes that he deserves to be recorded as one of the first benefactors of the Negro race. Antedating this movement in Pennsylvania were the efforts of Reverend Dr. Thomas Bray.

These hotels are, next to the cathedrals, perhaps the greatest wonder of England, and in Manchester the railway hotel is in some ways more wonderful than the cathedral, which is not so much planned on our native methods. Yet this has the merit, if it is a merit, of antedating our Discovery by nearly a century, and pre- historically it is indefinitely older.

"But you've exercised your rights to timber claims already. You took up your timber claim in '89, and what is more, your wife and her brother and your oldest son also took up timber claims in '90. As I understand it, this is an old homestead claim, antedating the others." Samuels, rather taken aback, stared uncertainly.

It may be that here is another connection between the Northern Egyptians and the Semites. The name "Phtah," the "Opener," is definitely Semitic. We may then regard the dwarf Phtah as originally a non-Egyptian god of the Northerners, probably Semitic in origin, and his town also as antedating the conquest.

But this very letter disproves the Buonapartist claim. It was written on September 13th. Thus, three days before Buonaparte's arrival, the Commissioners had fully decided on attacking the Little Gibraltar; and the claim that Buonaparte originated the plan can only be sustained by antedating his arrival at Toulon.

With this depressing knowledge in mind the traveller was confronted with a sight as depressing the present Cathedral itself. Fortunately, churches of a period antedating the XVII century are seldom so uninteresting. Nothing more meagre nor dreary can be conceived than the façade with its three, poor, characterless portals.