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He has freely consulted American authorities, most of which are familiar to many of our readers; he has also turned to good account the reports of open-eyed English travellers, and the opinions of sensible French writers, not overlooking the remarkably clear narrative of our political history in the "Annuaire des Deux Mondes" for 1860.

One has to say to B what one has said to A; to C exactly what one has said to A and B; and when it comes to repeating to F the formularies one has uttered to A, B, C, D and E one grows almost hysterical with the boredom of it. That was the delightful charm of Eleanor Faversham; she demanded no formularies or re-enactment of raptures. The Annuaire Officiel de l'Armee Francaise has arrived.

Let us reproduce the same truth in another form. The voters of France number about 200,000. The appropriations, according to the "Annuaire Economique" for 1845, being 1,106,000,000, there remains 1,031,000,000, which makes the tax paid by each non-voting citizen 31 francs 30 centimes, two-fifths of the tax paid by the wealthy class.

Le Travail des Femmes au XIX. Siècle, par Paul Leroy-Beaulieu. L'Ouvrière, p. 158. Le Travail des Femmes aux XIX. Siècle. Annuaire de la Bourse du Travail. Rapport sur l'Enquête faite au nom de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, par la commission chargée d'étudier la question de l'emploi des femmes dans les travaux souterrain des mines, Bruxelles, 1868.

A French bookseller has telegraphed to Paris for the Annuaire Officiel de l'Armee Francaise, the French Army List. It locates every officer in the French army, and as the Chasseurs d'Afrique generally chase in Africa, it will tell me the station in Algeria or Tunisia which Captain Vauvenarde adorns.

Ah! just Heaven! you may boast of having driven your grandfather to despair, that you may!" "That is evident," said Theodule. And profiting by the fact that M. Gillenormand was taking breath, the lancer added in a magisterial manner: "There should be no other newspaper than the Moniteur, and no other book than the Annuaire Militaire." M. Gillenormand continued: "It is like their Sieyes!

Coquenil pointed to his table where a book lay open. "Do you see that red book? It's the Annuaire de la Noblesse Française. You'll find his name there marked with a pencil." Tignol went eagerly to the table, then, as he glanced at the printed page there came over his face an expression of utter amazement. "It isn't possible!" he cried.

Faye's researches, in 'British and Foreign Medico-Chirurg. Review, April 1867, pp. 343, 345. For France, the 'Annuaire pour l'An 1867, p. 213. For Philadelphia, Dr. Stockton Hough, 'Social Science Assoc. 1874. For the Cape of Good Hope, Quetelet as quoted by Dr.

Le Play's elaborate treatise, 'La Reforme Sociale, strongly attracted his attention. He was fond of statistical works, such as the 'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, a little compilation bristling with facts.

The Bureau des Longitudes also publishes for every year, in advance, the Annuaire de la Republique, which serves as a rule for all the almanacks compiled in France. The meetings of the Board are held at the This edifice, which is situated at the farther end of the Faubourg St.