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She took a little white note from a dainty envelope and read it slowly, but with understanding that spoke of previous acquaintance with the words: "It came in Annie's mission box, and Helen was her unknown white friend," said Cordelia Running Bird, as she put the letter back into the envelope. "I shall next read Annie's letter."

"Annie's deein', Drumsheugh, an' Tammas is like tae brak his hert." "That's no lichtsome, doctor, no lichtsome ava, for a' dinna ken ony man in Drumtochty sae bund up in his wife as Tammas, and there's no a bonnier wumman o' her age crosses our kirk door than Annie, nor a cleverer at her wark. Man, ye 'ill need tae pit yir brains in steep. Is she clean beyond ye?"

I am sorry; but, after all, it is very natural these people should steal a little of our meat from us occasionally, who steal almost all their bread from them habitually. I rode yesterday to St. Annie's with Mr. . We found a whole tract of marsh had been set on fire by the facetious negro called Pun, who had helped me out of it some time ago.

Yet such was the complex nature of the man that he honestly meant to fulfil all Mr. Walton's expectations, and become Annie's loving shield from every care and trial, and a faithful guardian of the household. Nay, more, as soon as he was securely intrenched, with all his coveted possessions, he purposed that Annie should help him to be a true, good man a Christian in reality.

She turned and flew up again to her room; whither to her horror he followed her, demanding a kiss. An ordinary Scotch maiden of Annie's rank would have answered such a request from a man she did not like with a box on the ear, tolerably delivered; but Annie was too proud even to struggle, and submitted like a marble statue, except that she could not help wiping her lips after the salute.

She didn't say he should marry Annie she was a clever woman in her way she merely said that Annie's relations in America could afford to supply sufficient capital to start one of the mills.

After the immediate consultation was over, and the young carpenters had settled to their work not knowing what introduction to give to her offering, she produced it without any at all. The boys did not know what to make of it at first, hearing something come all at once from Annie's lips which was neither question nor remark, and broke upon the silence like an alien sound.

But they were not so inclined, for it saved the broth that is, each of them got a little more in consequence, and Annie's absence was therefore a Sabbath blessing. Much as she was neglected at home, however, Annie was steadily gaining a good reputation in the town.

This was Annie's special gift; born in her, and ready to cool with her; like a plate borne away from the fireplace. I sighed sometimes about Lorna, and they thought it was about the plates.

Annie's face was not only the most unclouded, her laugh the merriest of all the faces and laughs which appeared and were heard in Welby Square. She became almost as much of a peacemaker, a smoother-down of rough interludes, an allayer of irritating ebullitions, as Dora was wont to be at home. "Annie is so much improved," Rose wrote to May, "I never saw her looking prettier.