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And his whole life was a brilliantly enacted epic of marvelous grandeur and pathos. Greatly was he delighted when a good composition of the old master fitted the responses or hymnos de tempore anni, and especially did he enjoy the cantu Gregoriana and chorale.

Fugaces labuntur anni! said Horace. Ah, yes, the years glide fleeting by, especially when they are nearing their end! They were the merry brook that dallies among the willows on imperceptible slopes; today, they are the torrent swirling a thousand straws along, as it rushes towards the abyss. Fleeting though they be, let us make the most of them.

"Ille moras solis, quibus in sua signa rediret, Traditur exactis disposuisse notis. Is decies senos tercentum et quinque diebus Junxit; et pleno tempora quarta die. Hic anni modus est. In lustrum accedere debet Quae consummatur partibus, una dies." Caesar was a student of astronomy, and always found time for its contemplation. He is said even to have written a treatise on the motion of the stars.

One of her delights was to learn from me scraps of Horace, and then bring them into her conversation with 'colleged men. I have come upon her in lonely places, such as the stair-head or the east room, muttering these quotations aloud to herself, and I well remember how she would say to the visitors, 'Ay, ay, it's very true, Doctor, but as you know, "Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, labuntur anni," or 'Sal, Mr.

Such I was, for I do not now make any account of myself, now that I am engaged in the avenues of old age, being already past forty: "Minutatim vires et robur adultum Frangit, et in partem pejorem liquitur aetas:" what shall be from this time forward, will be but a half-being, and no more me: I every day escape and steal away from myself: "Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes."

Still I am learning. Titian, also, was an indefatigable worker. His celebrated "Pietro Martire" was eight years in hand, and his "Last Supper" seven. In his letter to Charles V. he said, "I send your Majesty the 'Last Supper' after working at it almost daily for seven years dopo sette anni lavorandovi quasi continuamente."

The idiot! To tell a man when he is hipped to COME UNTO ME! Bah! Does the fool really expect any grown man or woman to believe in his or her brain that the man who spoke those words, if ever there was a man who spoke them, can at this moment anni domini" George liked to be correct "1870, hear whatever silly words the Rev. Mr.

To him Maclaurin applied the lines of Virgil: 'Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses, O formose puer, nimium ne crede colori. Maclaurin wrote an essay against the Homeric tale of 'Troy divine, I believe, for the sole purpose of introducing a happy motto, 'Non anni domuere decem non mille carinæ.

Rachel in the year of grace seventeen hundred and sixteen; but time passes et singula praedantur anni that is most certain. But once again ye are most heartily welcome to my poor house of Tully-Veolan! Hie to the house, Rose, and see that Alexander Saunderson looks out the old Chateau Margaux, which I sent from Bourdeaux to Dundee in the year 1713.

Rachel in the year of grace seventeen hundred and sixteen; but time passes et singula praedantur anni that is most certain. But once again ye are most heartily welcome to my poor house of Tully-Veolan! Hie to the house, Rose, and see that Alexander Saunderson looks out the old Chateau Margaux, which I sent from Bourdeaux to Dundee in the year 1713.