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Pathetic, yet calm, rich in noble sentiments and animated by the purest and loftiest spirit, it is a fit topstone to that monument, in respect to which T. felt so well founded an assurance, which still manet mansurumque est in animis hominum, in aeternitate temporum, fama rerum.

Vane Ligur, frustraque animis elate superbis, Nequicquam patrias tentasti lubricus artes.

"I tell you, Estelle, I am neither blind nor exactly in my dotage, and that girl has no more intention of " The door opened, and Mr. Murray came in. Glancing round the room, and observing the sudden silence his mother's flushed cheeks and angry eyes, his cousin's lurking smile, he threw himself on the sofa, saying: "Tantoene animis coelestibus iroe?

And this was the same lady who so vehemently stood up for Gleason in the days when he was her devotee before she discovered that poker had attractions for him before which her own could but "pale their ineffectual fires. Tantæne animis coelestibus iræ?" If it wasn't Gleason, then, who was it? That was what the ladies demanded to know, Mrs. Turner and Mrs.

Bartholomew's for stone and gravel some weeks before, and on the 3rd of August, 1711, set his mark to an account of himself, when he expected to fall asleep on the fifth of August, two days later. His account was also signed by 'William Hill, Sen. No. No. 185. Tuesday, October 2, 1711. Addison. ... Tantaene Animis coelestibus Irae? Virg.

But compare Virgil's "Tantaene animis celestibus irae?" with Milton's "Evil, be thou my good!" It is the difference between an accidental device and essential substance.

The oath ex officio was forced on Johnson, but he denied all guilt. Finally, he was enjoined to procure three compurgators. These swore that they believed "in animis suis" that Johnson had sworn to the truth.

Ne, pueri, ne tanta animis assuescite bella, Neu patrice validas in viscera vertite vires. VIRG. AEn. vi. v. 832. Embrace again, my sons, be foes no more, Nor stain your country with her children's gore.

Then he would urge on his old horse, and gnash his teeth; and then, again, he would be ashamed. "Tantaene animis coelestibus irae?" But Thoroughbung rode home high in spirits, very proud, and conscious of having done good work. He was always anxious to stand well with the hunt generally, and was aware that he had now distinguished himself.

At Britanni non virtute, sed occasione et arte ducis rati, nihil ex arrogantia remittere, quo minus juventutem armarent, conjuges ac liberos in loca tuta transferrent, coetibus ac sacrificiis conspirationem civitatum sancirent: atque ita irritatis utrimque animis discessum.