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This, Sloggett explained, was the characteristic flame of both cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid vapour, which, being inflammable, may have become locally ignited in the passage over cities, and only burned in that limited and languid way on account of the ponderous volumes of carbonic anhydride with which they must, of course, be mixed: the dark empurpled colour was due to the presence of large quantities of the scoriae of the trappean rocks: basalts, green-stone, trachytes, and the various porphyries.

Just inside I came upon fifteen English people of the dressed class, except two, who were evidently bricklayers: six ladies, and nine men: and at the further end, two more, men, who had their throats cut; along one wall, from end to end were provisions; and I saw a chest full of mixed potassic chlorate and black oxide of manganese, with an apparatus for heating it, and producing oxygen a foolish thing, for additional oxygen could not alter the quantity of breathed carbonic anhydride, which is a direct narcotic poison.

The main interest of the question of course lies in its bearing on the long-disputed relations between plants and animals; for, since neither locomotion nor irritability is peculiar to animals; since many insectivorous plants habitually digest solid food; since cellulose, that most characteristic of vegetable products, is practically identical with the tunicin of Ascidians, it becomes of the greatest interest to know whether the chlorophyl of animals preserves its ordinary vegetable function of effecting or aiding the decomposition of carbonic anhydride and the synthetic production of starch.

Slightly soluble in cold water; 1 ounce of water dissolves about 1/2 grain of arsenic. Fowler's solution is the best-known medicinal preparation of arsenic, and contains 1 grain of arsenious anhydride in 110 minims. Symptoms. Commence in from half to one hour.

This refrigerator is like those which we employ in our sulphurous anhydride frigorific apparatus. Under the action of a special pump, M, this liquid produces and maintains a constant temperature of -25 deg. to -30 deg. in the refrigerator. The vapors of alcohol condense therein at this low temperature, and the cold liquid alcohol flows into the lower part of the refrigerator.

A sample of apatite weighing 0.60 gram is analyzed for its phosphoric anhydride content. !Answer!: 33.81%.

Some idea of its power as a disinfectant may be gained by the fact that one volume of wood-charcoal will absorb no less than 90 volumes of ammonia, 35 volumes of carbonic anhydride, and 65 volumes of sulphurous anhydride.

Knowing the mass and energy of a molecule, it is easy to calculate its speed; and we find that the average speed is about 400 metres per second for carbonic anhydride, 500 for nitrogen, and 1850 for hydrogen at 0° C. and at ordinary pressure. I shall have occasion, later on, to speak of much more considerable speeds than these as animating other particles.

The composition of the gaseous residue present does not affect phosphorescence; thus, the earth yttria phosphoresces well in the residual vacua of atmospherical air, of oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic anhydride, hydrogen, iodine, sulphur and mercury. With yttria in a vacuum tube, the point of maximum phosphorescence, as I have already pointed out, lies on the margin of the dark space.

Hardly any preliminary work was needed. In twenty-four hours a small concentrating plant was erected, and a ditch made to drain off the carbonic anhydride in the valley. After dusk a party of coolies cleared the quarry of its former occupants.