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Somehow or other, some fetich had descended from Prester John by way of the Mazimba and Angoni and Makaranga. What it is I do not know, but it was always in the hands of the tribe which for the moment held the leadership.

Among the Angoni, to the north of the Zambesi, warriors who have slain foes on an expedition smear their bodies and faces with ashes, hang garments of their victims on their persons, and tie bark ropes round their necks, so that the ends hang down over their shoulders or breasts.

They are black, but they are the stuff of warriors. All round your borders you have the remains of great fighting tribes, the Angoni, the Masai, the Manyumwezi, and above all the Somalis of the north, and the dwellers on the upper Nile. The British recruit their black regiments there, and so do you. But to get recruits is not enough.

Jimmie inquired and was told that more than a hundred people on the transport had lost their lives, including several women; the nurse brought a paper with a list of the casualties, among which he read the name of Mike Angoni his friend the "wobbly" from the far West! Also the name of Peter Toms the seaman from Cornwall, caught at the eighth attempt!

"Two men, we would ask; and one of them, the Angoni warrior, who did so well in the fight, for his country is to the south." "Only one man you can have," said the chief, shortly. They had said their good-bye to the people in the valley, who had wept at their departure, for the white men had done much for them, and never before had they borne the visitation of the rains with so little discomfort.

One of the latest items of news is that an Angoni has accepted salvation at one of our settlements in Mashonaland, and on return to his own home and work lying away between Lake Nyassa and the Zambezi has begun to hold meetings and to exercise an influence upon his people which cannot but end in the establishment of our work amongst them.

After death it was mummified and buried in a rock-tomb. Less widespread was the cult of the Mnevis, also consecrated to Osiris. Similar observances are found in our own day on the Upper Nile; the Nuba and Nuer worship the bull; the Angoni of Central Africa and the Sakalava of Madagascar keep sacred bulls.

I have never seen him like that before. Hang it all, I can't bear to think we have left him looking so down;" and Compton banged the lever over. They went on in silence for a mile, still thinking over Muata, when the Angoni, who was on watch, cried out "Congela!" "What do you see?" The man pointed a black finger at the river, and on it they saw two black spots.

"You must have come to close quarters?" Mr. Hume nodded his head. "I received the blow on the wrist guarding my head from a club, and the cut on the head from a spear." "And you used your knife?" "I dare say I did my share," said the Hunter, who had held the defile alone at one time, his staunchest supporter, the Angoni Zulu, having fallen back exhausted.

The Timorese sacrifice a black pig to the Earth-goddess for rain, a white or red one to the Sun-god for sunshine. The Angoni sacrifice a black ox for rain and a white one for fine weather.