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"He saw the policeman, William White by name, standing at the back door of the 'Fox and Hounds' public house, throwing a 'andful o' corn to the landlord's fowls, and the first thing Mr. White ses was, 'it's off my beat, he ses. "'But you might do it in your spare time, Mr. White, ses Frederick Scott.

She's flew the coop at the place she was in it seems she's been shut up some'eres in America, sir; an' she got 'old of the capting of a tramp boat o' some kind one o' them boats as smells intoxicating round the 'atches an' she give 'im an' the mate a 'andful o' jewelry that she'd on 'er when she was took in an' 'ad someways contrived to 'ang on to, an' I'm blessed hif she wasn't able fer to steer fer the island, sir we took 'er aboard the yacht only this mornin' with 'er 'air down her back, an' we've brought 'er on here.

If you'll believe me, 'e was clinging with 'is arms and legs to the top of the bedstead it's one of those old-fashioned, four-post things 'is 'ead touching the ceiling. 'E 'adn't got too much clothes on, and was cracking nuts with 'is teeth and eating 'em. 'E threw a 'andful of shells at me, and making the most awful faces at me, started off gibbering softly to himself." "All play, I suppose?

"He saw the policeman, William White by name, standing at the back door of the 'Fox and Hounds' public house, throwing a 'andful o' corn to the landlord's fowls, and the first thing Mr. White ses was, 'it's off my beat, he ses. "'But you might do it in your spare time, Mr. White, ses Frederick Scott.

If you come gettin' round 'im I'll give you wot for. 'Arright, Clary Sharp, I don't want 'im, answered Liza. 'I've got one of my own, an' thet's a good 'andful ain't it, Tom? Tom was delighted, and, unable to find a repartee, in his pleasure gave Liza a great nudge with his elbow. ''Oo, I say, said Liza, putting her hand to her side. 'Tike care of my ribs; you'll brike 'em.

Then there's the 'unger for gettin' under cover when you're bein' sniped, an' the 'unger for blood, when you've got the Hafridis, or the Fuzzies, or the Dutchies, at close quarters, and the bay'nits are flickerin' in an' out of the dirty caliker shirts or the dirty greatcoats like Jimmy O! There's the 'unger for freedom and fresh hair when you're shut up in a filthy mud cattle-pound like this 'ere Fort, or a stinkin' trench, with a 'andful of straw to set on by day an' a ragged blanket to kip in by nights.

She spoke 'er mind about that picture, free; an' Sir 'Ugh swore 'ot an' let a 'andful of brushes fly at 'is study, an' Lydy Elling picked up 'er skirts careful an' chill, an' drifted out of the studio with 'er eyes calm and 'er chin 'igh. If there was one thing Lydy Elling 'ad no comprehension of, it was the usefulness of swearin'. So the Marriage was a sore thing between 'em.