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Ho veduto prima del mio partire piu squadre di soldati andar per Londra cercando donne di allegra vita, imbarcandone 1,200 sopre tre vascelli per tragittarle all' isola, a fine di far propagazione.

Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." "Your serenity is now ended; and now you may be going home;" and so claps on his hat. Sir Wm. Rider told the first of his own knowledge; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. 13th. Before twelve o'clock comes, by appointment, Mr. Mr. 15th. Mr. 16th.

About the same time every year the dukes were accustomed to make a round of visits in Ferrara, the so-called 'andar per ventura, in which they took presents from, at any rate, the more wealthy citizens. The gifts, however, did not consist of money, but of natural products.

Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." "Your serenity is now ended; and now you may be going home," and so claps on his hat. Sir Win. Rider told the first of his own knowledge; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. Hence home and to read, and so to bed, but very late again. To church, where a stranger made a very good sermon.

That such was the result of their fatal attempt, was proved by the remains of their raft, which were found on the coast of the desert of Zaara, by some Moors, subjects of King Zaide, who came to Andar to give the information. These unhappy men were doubtless the prey of the sea-monsters which are found in great numbers on the coasts of Africa.

X, p. 99: ...pero no obstante esto á algunos amigos mios, y á otros, les ha parecido tener inconveniente por andar en lengua vulgar; y á , por la misma razon, me ha pesado que ande, y si lo pudiera estorbar, lo hubiera estorbado.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Salió mi padre? Adiós con mi dinero ... ya está aquí doña Matilde. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿No me respondes si salió mi padre? BRUNO. Salió, y como un rehilete ... no yo lo que podía urgirle tanto ... pero ... ¿qué hace usted?... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo que has olvidado ... apagar las velas.... BRUNO. ¿Que es de rigor en tales aventuras el andar a tientas?

"Dios te ayuda niño," said the Governor to me; I feared we should never play chess any more. "Que tonteria, andar a dormir in una barca, quando se lo podia sobre tierra firma!" I told him the story of the poor Russians, and in spite of his pride, the tears started in his eye, for he was kind-hearted.

"Dios te ayuda nino," said the Governor to me; I feared we should never play chess any more. "Que tonteria, andar a dormir in una barca, quando se lo podia sobre tierra firma!" I told him the story of the poor Russians, and in spite of his pride, the tears started in his eye, for he was kind-hearted.

On seeing me safe she did not wait to greet me, as might have been expected; but, calling out to me, 'Ah! can' della Madonna, xe esto il tempo per andar' al' Lido, ran into the house, and solaced herself with scolding the boatmen for not foreseeing the 'temporale. Her joy at seeing me again was moderately mixed with ferocity, and gave me the idea of a tigress over her recovered cubs."