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"I kin stand a little loss o' sleep without any partickler bother. It wasn't bein' kept awake so much as the way I was kept awake that bore on me." "Why, what happened?" asked Si. "Better ask what didn't happen," groaned his father. "Used to have some mighty rough shivarees when I was a boy, and'd jest settled on the Wabash.

She's as true as a die, and tender as anything in sickness, and'd lay down and die where she saw her duty, and'd work till she dropped if need be; but, no, she ain't one that wants softness in her friends. Well, she won't git any too much of it in Jim Redfield. They're of a piece, and she may find out that she's made a mistake, after all." "Has she she hain't promised to marry him yit?"

This neighborhood calls for his life and'd take it if in reach; and my warrant calls for his arrest. All I can promise is to get him, if possible, behind the bars before the mob gets him in a rope. Wilfred permitted himself the pleasure of taunting Mizzoo with the very evident truth that before Willock was hanged or imprisoned, he must first be caught. Mizzoo grinned good-naturedly. "Yap.

When he'd tell me that he'd made his three pound, or his five pound, or, perhaps, his ten pound in a day, and'd calculate it up, how much it'd come to if he did that every day, and where we could go to, and what we could do for the children, I loved to hear him talk about his money. But now ! why, it's altered the looks of the man altogether. It's just as though he was a-thirsting for blood."

Let me tell ye, ye won't find many on 'em so well looked to as she be my Luce! Well, Mr. Fev'rel, it's you, or it's her one of ye must be out o' the way. So we're told. And Luce I do believe she's just as anxious about yer education as yer father she says she'll go, and wouldn't write, and'd break it off for the sake o' your education. And she've kep' her word, haven't she? She's a true'n.

Let me tell ye, ye won't find many on 'em so well looked to as she be my Luce! Well, Mr. Fev'rel, it's you, or it's her one of ye must be out o' the way. So we're told. And Luce I do believe she's just as anxious about yer education as yer father she says she'll go, and wouldn't write, and'd break it off for the sake o' your education. And she've kep' her word, haven't she? She's a true'n.