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The first requisite of a large population is plenty of fresh water, and there is apparently very little of it in the Anambas. Moreover, the cultivable soil is not very deep, and the mountains are separated by narrow ravines, not by plains, so that agriculture is all but out of the question. Even the native trees, with the exception of the cocoa-palm, are very stunted.

The population was estimated by a native at not more than 2000, but Bougainville thought even that too high a figure. The fortunate position of the Anambas they are passed by all vessels trading with China, whichever route may be taken long since brought them to the notice of navigators; and we must attribute to their lack of resources the neglect to which they have been abandoned.

Expedition of Baron de Bougainville Stay at Pondicherry The "White Town" and the "Black Town" "Right-hand" and "Left-hand" Malacca Singapore and its prosperity Stay at Manilla Touron Bay The monkeys and the people The marble rocks of Faifoh Cochin-Chinese diplomacy The Anambas The Sultan of Madura The straits of Madura and Allas Cloates and the Triad Islands Tasmania Botany Bay and New South Wales Santiago and Valparaiso Return viâ Cape Horn Expedition of Dumont d'Urville in the Astrolabe The Peak of Teneriffe Australia Stay at New Zealand Tonga-Tabu Skirmishes New Britain and New Guinea First news of the fate of La Pérouse Vanikoro and its inhabitants Stay at Guam Amboyna and Menado Results of the expedition.

The northern NATUNAS and the ANAMBAS Islands are represented in the charts on a large scale, published in the "Atlas of the Voyage of the 'Favourite'," as fringed by reefs of coral, with very shoal water within them. These places I have coloured red; although with some hesitation, as the water is shallow.

The two ships left Touron Bay on the 17th February for the Anambas Archipelago, which had not as yet been explored; and, on the 3rd of March, they came in sight of it, and found it to bear no resemblance whatever to the islands of the same name, marked upon the English map of the China Sea.