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Oi say, Sammy, wot's the noime of that island where ye wuz born?" "Analostan Island, sah, was my native vicinity, sah." "Oi say, now, that's good, ye kneow. 'Royal Analostan, by Jove! The onliest pedigreed 'Royal Analostan' in the 'ole sheow, ye kneow. Ain't that foine?" and they mingled their cackles. "But we'll 'ave to 'ave a pedigree, ye kneow."

I have walk'd all around Analostan, enjoying its luxuriant wildness, and stopt in this solitary spot. A water snake wriggles down the bank, disturb'd, into the water. The bank near by is fringed with a dense growth of shrubbery, vines, &c. There have been collected in a cluster nearly five thousand big and little American poems all that diligent and long-continued research could lay hands on!

The negro thinks the Yellow Tom is the father of some of them, and no doubt the negro is right. He has sold her a number of times with a perfectly clear conscience, knowing quite well that it is only a question of a few days before the Royal Analostan comes back again. Doubtless he is saving the money for some honorable ambition.

Jap came in time to see the Cat jumping the wall. They called loudly and in the most seductive, wheedling tones: "Pussy, Pussy, poor Pussy! Come, Pussy!" But Pussy was not prepossessed in their favor, and disappeared to forage in her old-time haunts. The Royal Analostan had been a windfall for Jap had been the means of adding many comforts to the cellar and several prisoners to the cages.

The basket was lifted, and Slum Kitty had reached her country home. Every one was officiously kind. They wanted to please the Royal Cat, but somehow none of them did, except, possibly, the big, fat cook that Kitty discovered on wandering into the kitchen. This unctuous person smelt more like a slum than anything she had met for months, and the Royal Analostan was proportionately attracted.