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For many a happy thought I am indebted to that picture it is my principal source of inspiration; when my imagination flags, as of course it occasionally does, I stare upon those features, and forthwith strange ideas of fun and drollery begin to flow into my mind; these I round, amplify, or combine into goodly creations, and bring forth as I find an opportunity.

"I'm not going to let you talk any more now, or we shall have to suffer for it to-morrow night." He got gaily away before his mother could amplify a suggestion which spoiled a little of his pleasure in the praises he thought they were unqualified and enthusiastic praises she had been heaping upon Alice.

"It's true I have given myself up to observing anxiously such an advancement as you describe a vulgar one you will say. When I was a very young man I was a very thin man. I determined to amplify my dimensions. I followed with careful interest my daily increase toward my present let us not say obesity, but call it portliness." "You are inclined to be easy upon yourself," I commented.

"Do you get books from the library?" "Oh, no, I don't have time for library books," replied Bentley. "Wish I had." "I suppose you know a lot of boys here are you a scout? We are Girl Scouts you know," volunteered Grace. "No, to all three questions," he answered. But as usual he did not amplify his brief statement. "There are Julia and Helen," announced Louise gayly.

"These amazing features of the constitution and laws enacted under the constitution speak more eloquently than any words that could be used to amplify them in portraying the hideousness of a system of government that, if permitted to continue, must inevitably crush out the home in large part by the flippancy with which marriage and divorce are regarded, by the refusal of permitting the land to be held in private ownership, and by refusing the parent the right at death to pass on to his wife or to his children the fruits of years of toil.

I could even name clergymen of all denominations who hold Spiritualistic views, but refrain, lest it should seem invidious, though I cannot see why it should be incongruous for the clergy to examine doctrines which profess to amplify rather than supplant those of revelation, any more than I can why scientists stand aloof from what professes to be a purely positive philosophy, based upon the inductive method.

I at length concluded upon that which to me appeared the most decent, judicious, and useful. This was to give separately my own ideas and those of the author, and, for this purpose, to enter into his views, to set them in a new light, to amplify, extend them, and spare nothing which might contribute to present them in all their excellence.

"They are all thinking in unison, combining their telepathic powers. They dominate those nearest to them, who join and amplify their telepathic signal, and it spreads out through the whole group. A mental chain-reaction." "That would explain the mechanism of community leadership, and I'd been wondering about that," Dorver said, becoming more excited.

We might amplify, but our Scheme proposes to take the poor slave right away from the public-houses, the drink, and the companions that allure him to it, and therefore we think the chances of reformation in him are far greater.

Let us transform and amplify that power and we encompass destruction. The air is filled with energy. A sun-ray is energy; you will recall that Archimedes concentrated it through immense burning-glasses which set fire to Roman ships." His voice had grown clear and strong, as though he was lecturing to a class of students.