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Her trouble was that thoughts and ambitions were in conflict with Gaga's amorousness. He could never understand her. He could understand her no better than Toby, and as she had no use for him otherwise than as the instrument of her ambition, she was already, within two days of marriage, bored with him. Sally awaited Gaga's arrival with calm unwillingness.

Even in this she was only following the fashion of the court where she was bred, and she was not unlike her royal relative, Elizabeth of England, who had the same external amorousness coupled with the same internal self-control.

It is you, the English, who can be proud of the past, because you can be proud of the present. You have grown free, free, free! Rich, rich, rich, ah!" Olga laughed. "I am sorry to say that I have not grown rich." He bent his gaze upon her, and it glowed with tender amorousness. "You remind me I have something to tell you. In Italy, not everybody is quite poor.

Obviously he did need the woman his attitude seemed to show that he needed, some woman of culture, spirit, taste, amorousness; or, at least, he was entitled to dream of her. As he stood before her he seemed a kind of superman, and yet also a bad boy handsome, powerful, hopeful, not so very much older than herself now, impelled by some blazing internal force which harried him on and on.

But Milo had been well schooled; he knew how to play upon little weaknesses; Pascherette had told him, if he had not seen for himself, how amorousness and cupidity formed the key-note of character in the visitors; and now he used the knowledge to the fullest extent.

The slow-fly amorousness of the British working classes evidently does not suit the quicker blood of France. There is just enough of the South in the French to keep demonstration of affection away from daylight. A certain school of French novelist, with high-coloured tales of Parisian life, is responsible for his country's reputation.

Accordingly Lauretta led a dance, while Emilia with passion sang the following song: So fain I am of my own loveliness, I hope, nor think not e'er The weight to feel of other amorousness. When in the mirror I my face behold, That see I there which doth my mind content, Nor any present hap or memory old May me deprive of such sweet ravishment.

we have, in his own unmistakable color and warmth, those interiors of rake-helly life and tavern fun the cantabile of jolly beggars in highest jinks lights and groupings of rank glee and brawny amorousness, outvying the best painted pictures of the Dutch school, or any school.

No, sir; my idea of perfect happiness is to be hiking along here with you, Miss Golden." He gazed down upon her with a mixture of amorousness and awe. The leaves of scrub-oaks along the road crinkled and shone in the sun. She was lulled to slumberous content. She lazily beamed her pleasure back at him, though a tiny hope that he would be circumspect, not be too ardent, stirred in her.

Upon that covetousness did their villainy rest, and he need fear from them no wanton ruthlessness that should endanger their chance of profit. He trudged on, reassured. He had been a fool so to give way to fear; as great a fool as he had been when he had laid hands on Marius to quell his excessive amorousness. Dieu! Was he bewitched? What ailed him?