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'This is 'Ammersmith Workhouse, it's a large place, sir, which part of it might you be wanting? Sydney appealed to Mr Holt. He put his head out of the window in his turn, he did not seem to recognise our surroundings at all. 'We have come a different way, this is not the way I went; I went through Hammersmith, and to the casual ward; I don't see that here. Sydney spoke to the cabman.

'I've travelled from Reading this day, I 'ave, tramped every foot! and all the way as I come along, I'll 'ave a shakedown at 'Ammersmith, I says, and now I'm as fur off from it as ever! This is a fine country, this is, I wish every soul in it was swept into the sea, blimey I do! But I ain't goin' to go no further, I'll 'ave a bed in 'Ammersmith or I'll know the reason why.

"Why, straight along. Don't 'ee turn nayther to the right or the left, Kensington 'Ammersmith Turn'am Green Brentford you goes through 'em all, if you don't get a knock on the 'ead on the way or a bullet through ye. One's as likely to 'appen as the other. I wouldn't answer fer your getting safe and sound to Twitnam unless you goes by daylight."

Micky let the message stand over, to account for it. "'Cos I did see him, and I ain't a liar. I see him next door to my great-aunt, as ever is. Keep along the 'Ammersmith Road past the Plough and Harrow, and so soon as ever you strike the Amp'shrog, you bear away to the left, and anybody'll tell you The Pidgings, as soon as look at you. Small 'ouse, by the river.

"There's two or three managers in treaty with me," said Eliza. "There's the Follies and Frivolities down Norwood way, and the Varieties in the 'Ammersmith Road. Thirty shillings a week and my dresses, that's what I ask for, and I'll get it too! Just now I'm taking a vacation, and making an honest penny with these things," and she nodded at a little basket full of the wardrobe of dolls.

The crowd liked that, and found themselves jeering at the interrupter as well as at the speaker. 'Why, you' he pointed at some one in the crowd 'you're like the man at 'Ammersmith this morning. 'E wus awskin' me, "'Ow would you like men to st'y at 'ome and do the fam'ly washin'?" I told 'im I wouldn't advise it. I 'ave too much respect fur' they waited while slyly he brought out 'me clo'es.

He just shot out one hand and wagged it in grotesque greeting, not in the least discomposed. 'I've been addressin' a big meetin' at 'Ammersmith this morning, and w'en I told 'em I wus comin' 'ere this awfternoon to speak fur the women well then the usual thing began. An appreciative roar rose from the crowd.

'Yes, he grinned, 'if you want peace and quiet at a public meetin', better not go mentionin' the lydies these times! He stopped, and the crowd filled in the hiatus with laughter. 'There wus a man at 'Ammersmith, too, talkin' about Woman's sphere bein' 'Ome. 'Ome do you call it? 'Ome! and at the word his bonhomie suffered a singular eclipse.

If I 'ad a stayed at 'Ome, I might a married that gal and a kep' a little shorp in the 'Ammersmith 'Igh. 'S. Orth'ris, Prac-ti-cal Taxi-der-mist. With a stuff' fox, like they 'as in the Haylesbury Dairies, in the winder, an' a little case of blue and yaller glass-heyes, an' a little wife to call 'shorp! 'shorp! when the door-bell rung.

"I'll lay a quart there ain't a finer 'ead piece than yours from 'Oxton to 'Ammersmith." "Thank you," said Harrison Smith. "Try and remember that and obey orders quick as you get 'em." "That's rite, captain, that's the talk. Give me a man wot talks strite." A Ford is a marvellous eater up of miles and Harrison Smith did not spare his engine nor linger upon the way.