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And Ambrose found time to show him an episcopal kindness. At first Augustine listened as a critic, trying the eloquence of Ambrose, whether it answered the fame thereof, or flowed fuller or lower than was reported; "but of the matter I was," says Augustine, "a scornful and careless looker-on, being delighted with the sweetness of his discourse.

All come to meet to our house to-night. There will be trouble. My fat'er send me for you. He say maybe you can stop the trouble." "I stop it?" said Ambrose, laughing harshly. "What the devil can I do?" Tole shrugged. "My fat'er say nobody but you can stop it." It was clear to Ambrose that "trouble" signified danger to Colina. "I'll come," he said apathetically. "Where is your dugout?" asked Tole.

"It's a big weight to swing," murmured Ambrose. "Sure!" cried Peter. "But no man would refuse it. What if it does break us? We're young. And we'll have a grand run for our money." The excess of Ambrose's relief unnerved him a little. "Peter, you're a man!" he murmured brokenly. "I was near crazy, wondering if you'd stand by me!" "Hey, cut it out!" cried Peter. "Buck up!

Poor Pennie could not take matters so lightly; it was a most dreadful weight on her mind, and she felt sure she should never have another happy minute till she had confessed about the Goblin Lady. But she was not allowed to see Ambrose, and she could not bring herself to tell anyone else about it.

To accept John Gaviller's contemptuous offer would not only be to confess a humiliating failure, it would mean pocketing a loss that would cripple the young firm for the time being. Peter would say: "Lose it if you must, but lose it fighting." This thought was like an inspiration to Ambrose. His jaw stiffened, and a measure of serenity returned to his eyes. He passed the note to Simon.

No doubt, during the first days after his election Ambrose must have been watched carefully by many eyes for no one, however popular, is wholly without enemies and any alteration in his conduct or way of life would have been noted down. Still, even the most envious could find no difference.

His present feeling was relief from the hideous load he had felt while dwelling on the Dance of Death, and therewith general goodwill to all men, which found its first issue in compassion for Giles Headley, whom he found on his return seated on the steps moody and miserable. "Would that you had been with us," said Ambrose, sitting down beside him on the step.

Ambrose Smeer, too, had been to South America, and when he met that gentleman well, in spite of the fact that Sir Henry thought so highly of him, and it was known that his revival meetings had done a world of good, Cleek did not fancy the Rev. Ambrose Smeer any more than he fancied the trainer, Logan. But to return to the present.

British Magazine, 1832, etc. And Froude's Remains, part II, vol. ii. Ambrose and Valentinian. In the opposition which Ambrose made to the Arians, as already related, there is no appearance of his appealing to any law of the Empire in justification of his refusal to surrender the Basilica to them.

How curiously hard it always seems to be for women to understand each other, especially when they have got their pens in their hands! But suppose we try. "Well, then, to begin with: I gather from your letter that you have wisely decided to try the Thorpe Ambrose experiment, and to secure, if you can, an excellent position at starting by becoming a member of Major Milroy's household.