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In addition to its manufacturing importance, an importance which has survived and increased in the face of the changes in the silk trade and watch trade, commenced by Huskisson, and completed by Peel, Coventry affords rich food for the antiquarian, scenes of deep interest to the historical student, a legend for poets, a pageant for melodramatists, and a tableau for amateurs of poses plastiques.

Mr Rannoch was himself a professional. "Oh, well," he said sarcastically, "if you're one of those amateurs " "I'll put you the job in as low as possible," said Mr Cowlishaw, persuasively. But Scotchmen are not to be persuaded like that. Mr Rannoch wrapped up his teeth and left. What finally happened to those teeth Mr Cowlishaw never knew.

More's the pity. No woman who respects herself ought to play the piano nowadays. A professional told me the other day that until nineteen-twentieths of the profession were strung up, there would be no chance for the rest; and as for amateurs, there is simply no room for them whatever. I can't conceive anything more passé than amateur pianoforte playing!

It struck him as rather cool; but apparently the pig is an animal which to be prized needs but to be known, for all connoisseurs of him are also enthusiastic amateurs. When I say the pig I mean the four-legged one. William Fielding, partly from curiosity to hear these strangers' remarks, partly hoping to find customers in them, strolled into the farmyard before his companions rose from the table.

After this little outburst, the millionaire seemed to have nothing more to say. He was thinking. . . . Cornelius van Koppen loved a good liar. He knew something about the gentle art. It was an art, he used to say, which no fool should be allowed to cultivate. There were too many amateurs knocking about. These bunglers spoiled the trade.

It was so during the wars at the beginning of the last century, and it is so now. We always reflect after the tragedy has been consummated. Safe and astute administrators are always termed the "old gang" by the political amateurs, and the calamity is that a large public is so often carried away by the flighty delusions of the real cranks who style themselves the saviours of their country.

The truth is that the present results are so poor that any experiments are justified. The one quality which you can depend upon in boys is interest, and interest is ruthlessly sacrificed. When I used to press this fact upon my sterner colleagues, they would say that I only wanted to make things amusing, and that the result would be that we should only turn out amateurs.

Leonora listened as she wrote the address. 'You always were a conceited thing, Milly, and since this wonderful opera you're positively ridiculous. I almost wish I'd gone to it now, just to see what you were like. 'Ah well! You just didn't, and so you don't know. 'No indeed! I'd got something better to do than watch a pack of amateurs There was a pause for silent contempt. 'Well?

It was not only skilled theologians like Lachlan Campbell and Burnbrae, but even mere amateurs, who understood that they were that night to be conducted to the farthest limit of Calvinism, and that whoever fell behind through the hardness of the way, their guide would not flinch.

It is said that a good many matches which are not projected or registered in heaven are made at the rink. At the breakfast-table it appeared that the sketching-party had been a great success for everybody except the artist, who had only some rough memoranda, like notes for a speech, to show. The amateurs had made finished pictures.