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Yet as he wended his way up the long chasm wherein he had first awakened to life, it was with a feeling of shuddering repulsion. The place bore such a close resemblance now to that other cave; yet here, at any rate, he knew there was nothing. He opened the corn baskets and the calabash of amasi, and made a fairly good meal.

I do not know why you divorced me," she said. "Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, if you want us to cut rice for you, we will come to work with you," said the tikgi birds, "Because we like to cut your rice amasi, which is mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási." Ligi said to them, "What are you going to do? I do not think you can cut rice, for you are birds and only know how to fly, you tikgi."

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, can we cut your rice which is amasi mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási?" "Are you here now, tikgi?" said Ligi. "Go and cut the rice and see if you can cut it very soon, and after that I will make Sayang, and you must come tikgi," said Ligi. "Yes, we are going to cut and you do not need to stay here. You can go home if you wish," said the tikgi. So Ligi went home.

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, Ala, now we have come to cut your rice amasi which is mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási," said the tikgi. "Come, tikgi, if you know how to cut rice," said Ligi. Not long after the tikgi went. "We use magic so that you cut the rice. You rice cutters, you cut alone the rice. And you tying bands, you tie alone the rice which the rice cutters cut," said the tikgi.