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Io mi sento, dico, inclinato, a credere che tutti quei vermi si generino dal seme paterno; e che le carni, e l' erbe, e l' altre cose tutte putrefatte, o putrefattibili non facciano altra parte, abbiano altro ufizio nella generazione degl' insetti, se non d'apprestare un luogo o un nido proporzionato, in cui dagli animali nel tempo della figliatura sieno portati, e partoriti i vermi, o l' uova o l' altre semenze dei vermi, i quali tosto che nati sono, trovano in esso nido un sufficiente alimento abilissimo per nutricarsi: e se in quello non son portate dalle madri queste suddette semenze, niente mai, e replicatamente niente, vi s' ingegneri e nasca."

"Altro I agree with you there; ma abbia pazienza wait a bit, and depend on it our Prince, when he has seen them, will not be long in taking the hint!" We hope he will; for, however we may elsewhere admire a mounted field, here it shocks every notion of propriety. "Quoi! Venue d'un peuple roi, Toi, reine encore du monde!"

Altro, old boy, you have seen the figures, and you know how they come out. Mr Baptist, who had not the slightest arithmetical power of compensating himself in this way, nodded, with a fine display of bright teeth. At whom Mr Flintwinch had been looking, and to whom he then said: 'Oh! it's you, is it? I thought I remembered your face, but I wasn't certain till I saw your teeth.

One boasts of the lantern, all of brass, "Wrought by Messer Alessandro Leopardi 'come no c'è altro! there is no other like it which he, the favored gondolier, has been burnishing for the banquet of the Dandolo, to which he shall that night convey the noble lady of the Giustiniani!"

Et sic verificata est prophetia simplicissimi Coelestini, qui praedixerat sibi: Intrâsti ut Vulpes, Regnabis ut Leo, Morieris ut Canis. L'angoscia per altro l

The Holy Office asked that I might be kept apart from any whom my conversation might contaminate, and that my punishment should be exemplary as well as remedial. To all of which Father Carnesecchi replied, "Altto, altro, caro fratello," and got rid of his monitor as soon as he could.

Now tell me, were you never in love with anyone yourself?" he asked, by way of answer; and I could see the fierce look come into his eyes in the dark as he said it. "Altro, that is why I laugh at you. When I was your age I had been in love twenty times.

"Caro Capitano!" broke in the musical voice of the Marchese Gualdro, "you know that our Francesco goes nowhere without his beloved Carlo. Carlo CANNOT come altro! Francesco WILL NOT. Would that all men were such brothers!" "If they were," laughed Luziano Salustri, rising from the piano where he had been playing softly to himself, "half the world would be thrown out of employment.

Superbo scoglio, altaro e bel ricetto, Di tanti chiari eroi, d’ imperadori, Orde raggi di gloria escono fuori, Ch’ ogni altro lume fan scuro e negletto.”

'Then you shall hear before I sleep and in six words, for I want sleep how I appear before you, I, Lagnier. Remember that. Not the other. 'Altro, altro! Not Ri Before John Baptist could finish the name, his comrade had got his hand under his chin and fiercely shut up his mouth. 'Death! what are you doing? Do you want me to be trampled upon and stoned? Do YOU want to be trampled upon and stoned?