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As we go swiftly on we realize the appropriateness of the epithet ever applied to the Rhone. Truly in Michelet's phrase, 'C'est un taureau furieux descendu des Alpes, et qui court a la mer. If we are in haste to reach our destination in the heart of the Cevennes, the Rhone seems still more in haste to reach the sea.

I am Flavio Minetti, and I kill every one who laughs at me! This Italian of whom you speak has laughed at me. I may wait a week a month. It will be the same. No one has yet escaped me." An exquisite fear began to move Suvaroff. "Nevertheless," he repeated again, "I shall tell you where he lodges. You will find him upon the third landing of the Hôtel des Alpes Maritimes.

The panel on the altar pace and the three panels on the altar daïs are in the same mosaic, each of a different design; the long plaques of marble in the upper panel are red and green of rich dark marbles. The two panels at the side of the daïs are in opus sectile, a design of hexagons of Pavonazzo, with diamonds of Vert des Alpes between them.

It will be remembered that in 1859 the outbreak of the war of the Italian liberation took place. Garibaldi the Knight of the Red Shirt though he had settled down as a farmer on the island of Caprera, was summoned by Cavour to fight for Victor Emmanuel. He and his Chasseurs des Alpes went into Central Italy as chief in command, and helped to complete the annexation of the Sardinian territories.

There are several other works of Bourrit on the Glaciers and Mountains of Savoy: the latest and most complete is the following: 364. Descriptions des Cols ou Passages des Alpes. Geneva, 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. Voyage dans les Alpes, précédé d'un Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle des Environs de Geneva. Par Saussure. Geneva, 1787 1796. 8 vols. 8vo.

But the more he drank the less genial were the shadows, and by midnight they all had become as sinister and terrible as ever. On the way home to his room Suvaroff suddenly remembered that he had a friend who was a druggist. "Perhaps he can give me something to make me sleep," Suvaroff muttered. But the drug-store was closed. Suvaroff climbed wearily up the stairs of the Hôtel des Alpes Maritimes.

In order to give a proper idea of this central part of the Alps, which is so interesting a part in the natural history of the earth, M. de Saussure, in the plates of his Voyages dans les Alpes, tom. 2. has given us two views, the one in profile, the other in face, of the Mont-Blanc.

«Si maintenant on considère la chaîne des Alpes, on verra qu'elle répond fort bien

(M. Bourrit , Nouvelle Description des Alpes.) «Saint-Maurice est entre le Rhône et une montagne; «Quoique la situation de Saint-Maurice paroisse l'exposer au malheur d'être un jour ensevelie sous les ruines des montagnes, cependant on ne vit pas ici avec moins de sécurité qu'ailleurs: ce qu'il y a de plus

In the department of the Isere, in the Var, in the two departments of the Alpes, the Hautes, and the Basses, the peasants have not even wheelbarrows; they transport their manure on the backs of men; they have no candles, and they burn resinous sticks, and bits of rope dipped in pitch. That is the state of affairs throughout the whole of the hilly country of Dauphine.