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"I could run even this big machine," Tom explained to Ned Newton, "with a much lighter current. But out there on the Hendrickton & Pas Alos line the transforming stations deliver this high voltage to the locomotives. I want to test mine under similar conditions." "This is going to be an expensive test, Tom," said Ned, grumbling a little. "The cost-sheets are running high."

"If we can extend our electrified line into and through the Pas Alos Range our freight traffic can be handled so cheaply and so effectively that nothing the Hendrickton & Western can do for years to come will hurt us. Get that?" "I get your statement, Mr. Bartholomew," said Mr. Swift. "But it is merely a statement as yet." "Sure. Now I will give you the particulars.

Damon," said the president of the Hendrickton & Pas Alos Railroad frankly. "Mr. Swift has fulfilled his contract in every particular." An hour later the young inventor and his two friends were in conference with Mr. Bartholomew over a new contract. The bonus of a hundred thousand dollars would be paid at once to the Swift Construction Company.

He considered the schedule of the trains on this division of the Hendrickton & Pas Alos and remembered all those that might be within this sector at this time. If the locomotive smashed into the bumper with force enough to wreck the structure, would some approaching train on the westbound track not be endangered? The thought was parent to Tom's act before the collision occurred.

I tell you that the fight is on between the Hendrickton & Pas Alos and the Hendrickton & Western. I have either got to break them or they will break me." "You seem very sure that there is a conspiracy against you, Mr. Bartholomew," said the senior Swift reflectively. "I am sure," was the reply.

"As far as the Hendrickton and Pas Alos Railroad Company goes, a two mile a minute gait not alone on a level track but through the Pas Alos Range is an immediate necessity. It's got to be done now, or our stock will be selling on the curb for about two cents a share." "You do not mean just that, do you, Mr. Bartholomew?" asked Tom Swift earnestly, and staring at the big-little man before the fire.

"Yes, sir?" replied the conductor "Who was that man who just spoke to you?" "That man? Why, I thought everybody out this way knew Montagne Lewis. That is his name, sir and a big man he is. Yes, sir," and the conductor, giving the watching engineer of his train the "highball," caught the hand-rail of the car and swung himself aboard as the train started. On the Hendrickton & Pas Alos

I thought everything had gone to smash when she hit that bumper." "She will be as good as new in a week," declared Tom, with conviction. This prophecy of the young inventor proved to be true. A week from that day the public test of the electric locomotive on the Hendrickton & Pas Alos Railroad was held. A picked delegation of railroad men was present to observe and marvel, with Mr.

Not for the H. & P. A., anyway," said Mr. Bartholomew, shortly. "What does it lack?" asked Mr. Swift. "Speed. It's got the power for heavy hauls. It could handle the freight through the Pas Alos Range. But it would slow up our traffic so that the shippers would at once turn to the Hendrickton & Western.

"We have got to shoot our trains through the Pas Alos Range faster than trains were ever shot over the grades before, or we have failed," said Mr. Bartholomew, with decision. "But " began Ned; but Tom put up an arresting hand and his financial manager ceased speaking. "I have not forgotten the details of our contract, Mr. Bartholomew," he said, quietly.