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"He's gone," said I. "Wait a moment," said the guide, "and I will show you." Rapidly running the canoe ashore, we sprang out, and, holding the jack aloft, explored the vicinity by its light. There, over the logs and brush, I caught the glimmer of those luminous spots again.

"On the starboard bow," was the answer. "What does it look like?" "A low land with tall trees," replied the seaman from aloft. Two of the mates went up to look at it. They gave the same description. The captain examined his chart. "Bill Rullock says he has been there," observed the first mate. Bill Rullock was sent for. "Do you know anything of the land ahead?" asked the captain.

"If we could but knock away their fore-topmast with all that spread of canvas on it, we should very soon run her out of sight," observed Silva, stooping down to take aim. He fired. The canvas stood as before; but, as far as we could judge, the shot had reached the man-of-war, and hands were seen going aloft to repair some damage which it had caused.

"Lord love ye, 'tis the dark and the curst reek o' this place, pal come aloft, all's bowmon, the fine folk han't found their sea-legs yet, nor like to while this wind holds, Mart'n so come aloft wi' Godby."

On entering the channel it was discovered to be very narrow, so much so indeed that at one point there was not width enough to work the ship, and it was only by means of a very smartly executed half-board, under Courtenay's directions from aloft, that we avoided plumping the schooner ashore on the projecting spit.

Of course we frequently manned the poles and shoved earnestly for a second or so, but every time one of those spurts of dust and debris shot aloft every man dropped his pole and looked up to get the bearings of his share of it. It was very busy times along there for a while.

He leaned out over the rail, sending his gruff voice below. "Send up that chest, you men careful now not to let it drop overboard. Yes, that's better. Hook on the boat, Manuel, and let her drag; we must get out of here in a hurry. All ready, aloft?" "Ay, ay, sir." "Then sheet home; how is it forrard?" "Both anchors apeak, sir." "Smartly done hard down with your helm there!

The men of a better sort who occasionally found themselves unluckily shipped with such a crew, have left on record many curious stories of the way in which sailors, utterly unable to walk on shore or on deck for intoxication, would, at the word of command, spring into the rigging, clamber up the shrouds, shake out reefs, and perform the most difficult duties aloft.

"A sail on the larboard beam!" sung out a man from the mast-head. Soon afterwards the cry was heard that there were three, four, five sail a whole fleet of ships in sight. The captain went aloft, and so did several of the officers, to examine the strangers with their glasses.

It came from Dr. Beach, of Boston, via London. Such is the story, and I can only suppose that the sweet little cherub who sits up aloft had taken special charge of it, or it would have long ago withered. We slept at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, which we found fresh, sweet, bright, it must have been recently rejuvenated, I thought.