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The next time Lord Almeric's glass was filled, the tutor, in reaching something, upset the glass and its contents over his own breeches, and amid the laughter of the other two retired behind the screen to be wiped. There he slipped a crown into the servant's hand, and whispered him to keep his master sober and he should have another. Mr.

'D'you think a woman doesn't love an easy husband? And wouldn't rather have a good fellow than a thread-paper? 'Mr. Pomeroy! Mr. Pomeroy! the tutor said. Such words used of a lord shocked him. 'A milksop! A thing of curds and whey! 'After marriage, yes, the tutor muttered, pitching his voice cleverly in Lord Almeric's ear, and winking as he leant towards him.

They were dining in the hall at the table at which they had played cards the night before, Jarvey and Lord Almeric's servant attending them. Between the table and the staircase was a screen.

'Pom, that does you credit. You have a head! I always said you had a head! 'You are agreeable to that, my lord? 'Burn me, if I am not. 'Then shake hands upon it. And what say you, Parson? Mr. Thomasson proffered an assent fully as enthusiastic as Lord Almeric's, but for a different reason.

'Why, then number two will try his luck with her, and if he fail, number three! There, my bully boy, that is settled. It seems simple enough, don't it? 'But how long is each to have? the tutor asked in a low voice. The three were bending over the cards, their faces near one another. Lord Almeric's eyes turned from one to the other of the speakers. 'How long? Mr.

What experience and what fate awaited the kingdom after this will be seen in the remarkable narration which follows. Almost at the beginning of Almeric's reign the affairs of the Latin kingdom became complicated with those of Egypt; and the Christians are seen fighting by the side of one Mahometan race, tribe, or faction against another.

Thomasson's exclamation of horror and Lord Almeric's protest of, 'Oh, but I say, you know under the volume of his voice. 'You have a sword, sir, and I presume you know how to use it. If there is not space here, there is a room below, and I am at your service. You will not wipe that off by rubbing it, he added coarsely. Sir George dropped his hand from his face as if it stung him. 'Mr.

It was a suggestion so purely in the spirit of a day when men betted on every contingency, public or private, decorous or the reverse, from the fecundity of a sister to the longevity of a sire, that it sounded less indecent in the cars of Lord Almeric's companions than it does in ours. Mr.

At the battle of Daud, fought with Roderick O'Connor, the two friends, with seven hundred men, were again victorious, owing to a timely charge of Almeric's with his reserve of forty horse.

Hubert followed the direction of Almeric's glance, and saw that a footmark impressed itself in the slime before their own advancing tread, just as if some invisible being were walking before them.