United States or Svalbard and Jan Mayen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There is a ridge of rough sandy stone hills, with occasional ironstone on each side, from the direction it was at first taken. I thought I was fortunate in meeting with one of the sources of the Alligator or Adelaide River. After following it for five miles, sometimes going west and south, it went through a stony gorge, and seemed to run to the south, which is a great disappointment.

Look at that." "Yes, I see," said Brace, "another alligator." For the American had drawn his attention to a wave raised up by something rushing past the bows of the boat. "Well, I don't know about that," said Briscoe; "I rather fancy that was one of those gar-fish alligator gars, they call 'em in the States. They're great pikey fish with tremendous teeth." "But not big like that?"

After the usual greetings and ceremonies General Hernandez took out a paper and said that General Jesup wanted to know the Indians' answer to these questions: "What is your object in coming? What do you expect? Are you prepared to deliver up at once the slaves taken from the citizens? Why have you not surrendered them already as promised by Alligator at Fort King?

From the Mexican line to San Diego is not far a matter of twenty miles or so. Across the mouth of San Diego bay, on the inner shore of which sits the town, North Island stretches itself like a huge alligator lying with its back above water; a long, low, sandy expanse of barrenness that leaves only a narrow inlet between its westernmost tip and the long rocky finger of Point Loma.

Believing that I have sufficiently described the Indians and their habits, I will now introduce to my readers two species of monsters that I have often bad occasion to observe, mid even to combat the one a denizen of forests, the boa constrictor; the other of lakes and rivers, the cayman or alligator.

"As if it would hurt to take hold of the boat hook with chocolate fingers," spoke Mollie a bit sharply. "At any rate one could wash the pole without fear if its being nipped by an alligator." "Don't be silly," directed Grace with flashing eyes. "Well, don't eat so much candy then." "Come, girls, if we're going to get off the bar it's time we tried it," suggested Betty with a smile.

But Tom was now under water stabbing his alligator, and took no notice of the indignant departure of the young ladies. "Polly 's always poking up in grandma's room. I don't see what fun there is in it," said Fanny as they went up stairs. "Polly 's a verwy queer girl, and gwandma pets her a gweat deal more than she does me," observed Maud, with an injured air.

The qua-bird screamed; the swamp-owl hooted; the bullfrog uttered his trumpet-note; and the hideous alligator, horribly bellowing from his gaunt jaws, crawled sulkily out of my way, at times appearing as if he would turn and assail me! "Ho! yonder is light! the sky!" It was but a small patch of the blue heaven a disc, not larger than a dining-plate.

Once some intimate friends of ours gave us a dinner there in January that could not have been surpassed in New York. The menu included all the delicacies in season and out of season, fresh mushrooms, alligator pears and pheasants. J and I looked at one another in mingled enjoyment and dismay that so much was being done for us.

"I have a hunch that you are going to have trouble," he said, as I locked the alligator bag. "Darned if I like starting anything important on Friday." "You have a congenital dislike to start anything on any old day," I retorted, still sore from my lost Saturday.