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He spent some minutes over the inscription of the psalm allegorised it made it mean something which it never did mean in the writer's mind, and which it, as Raphael well knew, never could mean, for his interpretation was founded on a sheer mis-translation.

If the leading agencies of Harold's memorable career might be, as it were, symbolised and allegorised, by the living beings with which it was connected as Edith was the representative of stainless Truth as Gurth was the type of dauntless Duty as Hilda embodied aspiring Imagination so Haco seemed the personation of Worldly Wisdom.

If the leading agencies of Harold's memorable career might be, as it were, symbolised and allegorised, by the living beings with which it was connected as Edith was the representative of stainless Truth as Gurth was the type of dauntless Duty as Hilda embodied aspiring Imagination so Haco seemed the personation of Worldly Wisdom.

The entire work covers the wall behind the high altar, the sculptures being in pure white marble, the framework in black. Dismissing the niched Mars and Hercules on the one side, the allegorised Religion and Charity on the other, we study the central figures both offering interest of quite different kind.

Leslie was able to produce quotations in plenty from acknowledged authorities among them which allegorised away all belief in a personal Saviour, and which bade each man seek within himself alone for the illuminating presence of his Christ and God. It was well that the special dangers to which Quakerism and other forms of mysticism are liable should be brought clearly and openly into view.

And so the pull-devil-pull-baker strife goes on to the last syllable of recorded time not between mother and child, as you are prone to imagine, but between the two great principles of Good and Evil, so widely allegorised and personified, yet so uncertainly grasped, and so loosely defined.

Mercifully Tennyson never actually allegorised Arthur in that fashion. Later he thought of a musical masque of Arthur, and sketched a scenario. Finally Tennyson dropped both the allegory of Liberal principles and the musical masque in favour of the series of heroic idylls. There was only a "parabolic drift" in the intention.

Happily or unhappily, however, what they could do for themselves they could not do for the multitude. Phoebus and Aphrodite had been made too human to be allegorised.

The nature of Pan-Germanism may be allegorised and abbreviated somewhat thus: The horse asserts that all other creatures are morally bound to sacrifice their interests to his, on the specific ground that he possesses all noble and necessary qualities, and is an end in himself.

They are no more than real insight into real phenomena, allegorised as time went on, elaborated by fancy, or idealised by imagination, but never losing their original character. Thus paganism, in its very nature, was expansive, self-developing, and, as Mr.