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His little book, The Puritan Revolution, in the "Epochs of History" series, is extremely useful, and along with it one should read Airy's The English Restoration and Louis XIV., in the same series, New York, 1889. The best biography of Cromwell is by Mr. Allanson Picton, London, 1882; see also Frederic Harrison's Cromwell, London, 1888, an excellent little book.

An excellent remedy for the nonsense which still clings about religion may be found in two books: Cotter Monson's 'Service of Man, which was published as long ago as 1887, and has since been re-issued by the Rationalist Press Association in its well-known sixpenny series, and J. Allanson Picton's 'Man and the Bible. Similarly, those who wish to acquire a sane view of the relations between man and God would do well to read Winwood Reade's 'Martyrdom of Man."

Allanson Picton, who tells us that one, if not more, of Spinoza's fundamental conceptions "have increasingly repelled rather than attracted religious people." It is the object of the present chapter to show why this must be the case, wherever the implications of his teaching are understood.

All these annuities are charged on the Cranham estate, which she gives in trust to Sir George Allanson Wynne, Bart., and Mr. Granville Sharpe, for the use of her nephew, Sir Thomas Apreece, of Washingley, Co. Huntingdon, for life, remainder in tail to his issue male or female, remainder to his brothers John and Charles, and sister Dorothy, successively, remainder to her own right heirs.

J. Allanson Picton, Spinoza, p. 213. To say that religious thought is passing to-day through a period of peculiar stress is to utter a commonplace so threadbare that one apologises for repeating it.

A Century's Progress, p. 105-6. Spinoza, by J. Allanson Picton, p. 213. So far, of course, as such an attitude may be the outcome of an antecedent disbelief in God, it is perfectly logical; only we have no common ground with those who take that view.