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He was dizzy, dazed, but a dogged master still of his forces. Up he mounted to the saddle again, the bottle held firmly in his grasp. "Slip off the blinder," he said to his friends, and Algy it was who obeyed. "Damn you, now you buck!" cried Van wildly, and his heels ignited the volcano. For five solid minutes the broncho redoubled his scheme of demoniac fury.

"Say, kid, where's the liberrian?" "I'm liberrian." "O, come off. Where's the real one? The feller that knows it all, and walks like a seesaw." "That's Algy," said Elsmere, with fraternal recognition. "Algy's sick. I'm liberrian." His questioner looked at him keenly. "I say, kids, let's us be liberrians. You put the little feller out."

"It don't do her justice. She's got more life, more change in her, more fire. She's starting for town, I hear." "She is starting for town," said Edward. "How do you know that?" Algernon swung about to ask. Edward looked round to him. "By the fact of your not having fished for a holiday this week. How did you leave her yesterday, Algy? Quite well, I hope."

Parker, who really enjoys himself, and goes about making jovial jests at his own expense, and asking everybody whether he is not immensely improved by the loss of his red hair, that there is not much fun in it. Algy is as sulky and shamefaced as a dog with a tin kettle tied to his tail, and Mr. Musgrave has altogether disappeared. The evening wears on. I forget my cheeks, and dance every thing.

To complicate matters already sufficiently aggravating, Gettysburg, Napoleon C. Blink, and Algy, the Chinese cook, from the Monte Cristo mine, now swung into line from the northwest road, riding on horses and burros. They were leading three small pack animals, loaded with all their earthly plunder. The freight team halted and a crowd began to congregate.

Don't you forget now Monday, twelve o'clock." And Argyle pinched Aaron's arm fast, then went unsteadily up the steps to his hotel door. The next day at Algy's there was a crowd Algy had a very pleasant flat indeed, kept more scrupulously neat and finicking than ever any woman's flat was kept.

"O mamma," interrupted Winnie eagerly, "you are wronging Dick. He may not be so clever as Algy and Tom, but he is such a dear, good boy, and does try ever so hard to learn his lessons. He does indeed; and I should know best, when I study beside him every night." "That's enough, Win," answered her brother doggedly.

He absolutely refused to believe that Derek was intending to convey what he seemed to be trying to convey: for, if he was, well . . . by Jove . . . it was too rotten and Algy Martyn had been right after all and the fellow was simply . . . "You don't mean, old man," said Freddie with an almost pleading note in his voice, "that you're going to back out of marrying Jill because she's in the chorus?"

For my part, I hate a round table. There is no privacy in it. Everybody seems eavesdropping on everybody else. There are only eight of us in all those I have enumerated, and Algy. Yes, he is here. Bellona is a goddess who can always spare her sons when there is any chance of their getting into mischief. Roger has taken Mrs. Huntley.

You know how it is. Chappie you've never been introduced to says something to you in a theatre, and you murmur something and sheer off. What?" "Absolutely," agreed Algy Martyn. He thoroughly approved of Freddie's code of etiquette. Sheer off. Only thing to do. "Well, anyhow, now that he had turned up again and told me who he was, I began to remember. We had been kids together, don't you know.