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"Well, sufferin' catfish!" he said to himself. "Danged plucky girl; forges along an' bucks me into sellin' her this ranch an' sets it into alfalfy an' sets up Jim Shirley for life, 'cause putterin' in the garden an' bein' kind to the neighbors is the limit to that big man's endurance.

"No, I ain't very dirty." "Grab a root and pull!" Bowers urged with all the hospitality he could inject into his voice, as the guest squeezed in between the table and the sideboard. "Jest bog down in that there honey, pardner it's something special cottonwood blossoms and alfalfy. And here's the turnips!"

Jackson seemed a little disappointed, but she smoothed the dress over her sharp knees, and continued: "Right there the good old days ended for yore ma and for us. The cattle business has been steadily on the chute that is, the free-range business. I saw it comin', an' I says to Jackson, 'Camp on some river-bottom and chuck in the alfalfy, I says. An' that's what we did.

"I'm not making fun I didn't know it myself, until " the sentence was drowned in a series of yells and curses and vile epithets that brought both to the door to stare down at the trussed-up one who writhed on the ground in a very paroxysm of rage. "Conscience hurting you, or is it your jaw?" asked Endicott, as he grinned into the rage-distorted features. "Git them hosses outa that alfalfy!

I'd ought to go up to Sulphur to see a doctor, but there don't seem to be any free time. I 'pear to have lost my grip. Food don't give me any strength. I saw you talking with Ross Cavanagh. There's a man and Reddy. Reddy is what you may call a fancy rancher goes in for alfalfy and fruit, and all that. He isn't in the forest service for the pay or for graft.