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The Rover boys could readily surmise that Aleck would not act in this highly excited manner unless there was good cause for it. Consequently, as Sam said afterward, "They didn't stand on the order of their going, but just flew." Pell-mell out of the hostelry they tumbled, and ran up the highway as rapidly as their nimble limbs would permit.

The session of the Circuit Court in the " year of the Commonwealth," as the writs ran, and "in the sixteenth year of Aleck Thompson's Sheriffalty," as that official used to say, was more than usually important. The noted case of "Dolittle et al. vs.

"I didn't tell you before, but I'm telling you now that rustlers have been at work down here, and that's why we're taking the horses off this range. This is no place for Mary V to be riding around by herself." "It's a wonder he wouldn't of woke up to that fact before," Bud grumbled to Aleck, while he went limping to the corral.

"But who will protect the Union families if you go away?" said Marcy. "They'll not need any one to protect them now," answered Aleck. "I talked to some of the soldiers on shore, and they told me they were here to stay; and as long as they do stay, Beardsley and Shelby and among 'em will keep as still as mice.

To this they sent a 'Smart Aleck' letter, and when we drew on them allowed our draft to be returned. Settle the matter up; take back the goods, if no better way suggests itself, but close it up. And close up our deal with them; they are the kind of men we do not want to do business with."

"But you did not walk over from Rockabie this morning, my man?" said the middy. "Not walk over, sir? Oh, yes, I did." "You must be very tired?" "Not me, sir. My legs never get tired; and yet the queerest thing about it is that they allus feel stiff." "Don't talk any more, Tom," said Aleck. "I want to get to business. Now, then, don't you think we might get out now?"

And so, amid the farewells of a tender, protesting family, he got off, leaving Edith in the midst of one of her monologues. There was a telegram in New York saying that Aleck Van Camp would join him in three days, at the latest. Hambleton disliked the club and left it, although his first intention had been to put up there.

He held the lanthorn down low for the lad to see, and as Aleck stood beside him he raised the light as high as he could, so that the dim rays fell upon the angry staring eyes of the young officer, who lay upon a thick cushion composed of many folds of sail-cloth, the bolt ropes and reef points in which showed plainly that it had been in use possibly in connection with some unfortunate vessel wrecked upon the rocks of the iron-bound coast.

He made no comment, but went out and returned with the flowers. Meantime Io had made up her mind. "I've had an unpleasant surprise, Ban." "I was afraid so." She glanced up quickly. "Did you see him?" "No. Mindle, the mail transfer man, did." "Oh! Well, that was Aleck Babson. 'Babbling Babson, he's called at the clubs. He's the most inveterate gossip in New York."

"Will you submit to having your trunk examined or not?" demanded Captain Putnam, after a painful pause, during which Alexander Pop's eyes rolled wildly from one teacher to the other. "Yo' kin examine it if yo' desire," said Aleck. "But it's an outrage, Cap'n Putnam, an' outrage, sah!" Without more ado Captain Putnam approached the waiter's trunk, to find it locked. "Where is the key, Pop?"